YESSS!!! Bubbye 5th semester... 2009/2010 . . nO more 5th semester anymOre! Yeayy!!! FinaL exam is over...Over...OVERRR~~ ;)) lasT bebeh.. So many things happened during this semester. All th0se things will gonna be sweet memOries although there're bads.. hahahah! N nOw is a hOLiday time!!! wOww!!!! Semester break is cOming. Very excited.. 1 mOnth to enj0y peOple..wehOoo~ Juz enjOy ur great great time hOLiday with ur own plan. WiLL gonna miss my frenz a l0t during this h0liday... the 2010/2011 will be the last semester f0r us spending t0gether.. Such a sh0rt time n blink bLink away we will be separated by our own path n future destinati0n. ALrite. Let me see..this semester is very different fr0m the past past semester bef0re. We like very cL0se together. Mybe pe0ple change, peOple be mOre mature n try to kn0w each other weLL. We spend time t0gether in cLass or out cLass. We're helping, st0ry teLLing, laughing, chaTTing, bubbLing, making n0ise, scream n shOut out, d0