
Showing posts from November, 2009

I Got A Feeling

I'm headache Too much cried I'm in a sad m0Od :( Fall in sick N0 mo0d to talk T0day my life is SUCKSSS!!!! Outta here!!! nO questi0ns nOr answers... Uhh~

It Gets Into My Nerves

H.O.L.I.D.A.Y . ..hmm~ holiday!! holiday!! h0liday!!! What is HOLIDAY??? Of cuz an enjOyable mOment rite.. Yupz! Now, it's abOut 2.55a.m n i can't sleep rite nOw...Huh! Juz listening to the music n surfing the internet.. Kinda play s0me games. But my finger can't dO it anymOre. . hahahh!!!Ok then, wut sh0uld i do now?? hmmm...mybe juz go to bed n make my dreams cOme true~ [think..think...n bla..bla..bla...] ShouLd i?? aaaaaa......Mybe i shoUld sleep n0w. Gurls can't sleep late..Like ma frenz said..hahahaa...Why?? i d0nt know laa..heee~ What should i do when the sunsrise? This holiday must be sumthin nice then befOre.. bUt what is it???? any plannnnnn....Ok2.. THINK>>THINK>>THINK.... Alrite! Still can't!!! Hmmm.... . [a silent m0ment f0r a while].... My l0vely blog, u kn0w wut. Today i felt so happy...Mybe sumthin sumthin had happened inside my life. haha... But hard to express it. S0on bebeh! But i l0ve this feeling..heheh ;P Feeling like u'

MissiOn AccOmpLish~

YESSS!!! Bubbye 5th semester... 2009/2010 . . nO more 5th semester anymOre! Yeayy!!! FinaL exam is over...Over...OVERRR~~ ;)) lasT bebeh.. So many things happened during this semester. All th0se things will gonna be sweet memOries although there're bads.. hahahah! N nOw is a hOLiday time!!! wOww!!!! Semester break is cOming. Very excited.. 1 mOnth to enj0y peOple..wehOoo~ Juz enjOy ur great great time hOLiday with ur own plan. WiLL gonna miss my frenz a l0t during this h0liday... the 2010/2011 will be the last semester f0r us spending t0gether.. Such a sh0rt time n blink bLink away we will be separated by our own path n future destinati0n. ALrite. Let me see..this semester is very different fr0m the past past semester bef0re. We like very cL0se together. Mybe pe0ple change, peOple be mOre mature n try to kn0w each other weLL. We spend time t0gether in cLass or out cLass. We're helping, st0ry teLLing, laughing, chaTTing, bubbLing, making n0ise, scream n shOut out, d0

Can Fall Sick!!

Wahh!!!...The exam is juz ar0und. My final exam timetable l0oks interesting rite?..hahaha.. Still in the preparing m0od fOr my examinati0ns! Can't wait to take it but wOrry sumhOw..huhuuu~ STRIVE FOR EXAM!!!! till the end babes!...hah!!