They Do Desire The Cut Of Truth
If you d0nt know her well dont easily underestimate her. Sometimes she d0nt do something d0esnt mean that she dont kn0w that thing. I dont understand with pe0ple nowadays. They seems like - what you see is what you get.. -.-" ??? We dont kn0w people until we meet them. What you see cant describe things that you wanna know. We all have our own power. Power to live. Power to defend ourselves. Power to defeat people. Power to be m0re powerful than others... First, we must know our own ability. Others cant control our life or underestimate us. Some people didnt share their abilities to others. Well, it's all up to them. Maybe they think they dont need to show it cause it is too sh0w off.. :P Maybe they dont care at all...or people d0nt know that they're exist. Life wont always be just about you.. Life's inv0lve everything around us. Whether u like it or hate it. Some people really dont care ab0ut others. They with their own world. Some people build a group and cant accept