
Showing posts from June, 2009


Today I’m damn tired. After wake up early m0rning my life juz like usual Do this d0ne that n bla..bla..bla…. But, during aftern0on I must prepared all my stuffz to bring to my rented h0use Semester break will be over s00n n juz ar0und the corner I must get ready n clean that h0use before I stay there Huh! Quite lots of things to bring along Lucky, I’d packed all my stuffz 1st I juz carried n put them in b0nnet car Then, after reached that h0use 1st thing to do is took out all things in that r0om OMG!!! Dust n dirt everywhere…DIRT-TRACK! DIRT –TRACK!!! EeeUuuWww~~ Sweep the fl0or Moping Wiping Arranged everything to look neat n tidy N at last everthing’s done!! YeaHhh!!! Ouchh…hurt my wrist my back legs hands n bla…bla..bla….huhuhu~ So hardly tired What I w0rried now is my h0usemate H0w r they? What types r they? Co0L sp0rting give n take or…….?? I hope that all will be gud n I can acc0modate myself very well Next m0nth will be a new w0rld for me! Is everthing will g0nna be ok?? Juz be ...

The Theme of LIFE

Sum pe0ple may seems to know me very well but sum of them juz pretend that they reconigze me.. Nowadays, it is very hard to find sum0ne that is truly sincere. Many pe0ple out there are wearing a mask to look gud. I’m confused b0ut human. It supposed to be that human must help human but all are fake. I’m n0t really trust any0ne anym0re. Why a pers0n that i believe willing to betray me?? Is it wr0ng to speak out what I feel to them?? Friend? Friend or beast ? What is a friend? A friend is a pers0n that always support us n be with us no matter what happen right! Hmm…but if I trust a friend a lot a friend also can turn to be so mean. Human like to take for granted of other human who r kind to them n also the weakers. I juz wanna be myself n don’t care what people gonna say cuz they talk too much… For me, understanding is the key for happiness. Whatever pe0ple do did or d0ne to me I’ll try to understand n never put a revenge to them. Face it with smile. Everthing happen have a

Sumthin Bugging~

Okay, today entry quite different. But still i will feel release after done it. Try to understand although u didn't... Dlm brite harian cite psl kiamat yg mnyatakn bhwa ramalan nyer 21 disember 2012 . 211212…Ala ramalan xsmstinye btul kn. Rsenye bile kte ckp psl kiamat, perhh cmue tkut. TKUT??? Tkut yg wt2 tkut atau btul2 tkut pun enth laa… xde trfikir nk brubh tuk ari 2 ke?? Hmm skrunk kn jaja tgk mnusia bbs nk wt pe je di0rg ske. Halal haram put at aside first. Yg pnting can have fun. Nape ek agk2?? Smpi ble kte nk cri keFUNan n kseronokkn yg xkekal nie…Cara owg dlu ngn skrunk fun mmg bebeza giler. Zmn skrunk bnyk sgt medium2 dat can make a l0t of fun. But still xpuas2. Remaja, trutamanya dlm lngkungn skola mngh yg tau mnghbiskn duet mak bpk dgn bli asap?? ROKOK . Alaa rokok je kn..nk heran pe sgt. Merata2 owg jual . Merata2 owg isap rokok. Rilek r. So spe kesah kn? Pmpuan mr0kok pn no hal lah. Mak bpk diorg tau, so nk kesah pe?? Bosan r mer0kok. Xbest sbb dh c0mmon sgt r....

Can or Cannot???

Can't sleep. My flowery red clock showed its b0ut 1.45a.m.. Hmm dunt know why~ Maybe sumthin bothering me. But what is it??? ArGggHhhh! I'll try to relax my mind [ reading st0ry book ; listenin to music ; wr0te sumthin in this bl0g ; think interesting things n duin sum weird stuffz ] So many questions bothering me right now. Questions that needsum c0nversation or pe0ple to solve them or me,al0ne hve to take it or............ Orait then. Still i hve to throw it out of my mind or else i can't sleep. Only this blog...a place where i can say wut i wanna say n you can't stop me. Cuz i'll say it LOUD!!! 1. Can i forget a person that i love juz a blink away? 2. Can i try to love sum0ne else eventhough we know that only he still in our heart? 3. Is it ok if i wait for sum0ne that don't care b0ut me? 4. Is it ok to hope that one day he will done all his promises to me? 5. Can i put a revenge to him that hurt me? 6. Can i take a gud care f0r sumthin that i alwayz cared ...