The Theme of LIFE

Sum pe0ple may seems to know me very well but sum of them juz pretend that they reconigze me.. Nowadays, it is very hard to find sum0ne that is truly sincere. Many pe0ple out there are wearing a mask to look gud. I’m confused b0ut human. It supposed to be that human must help human but all are fake. I’m n0t really trust any0ne anym0re.
Why a pers0n that i believe willing to betray me?? Is it wr0ng to speak out what I feel to them?? Friend? Friend or beast? What is a friend? A friend is a pers0n that always support us n be with us no matter what happen right! Hmm…but if I trust a friend a lot a friend also can turn to be so mean. Human like to take for granted of other human who r kind to them n also the weakers. I juz wanna be myself n don’t care what people gonna say cuz they talk too much… For me, understanding is the key for happiness. Whatever pe0ple do did or d0ne to me I’ll try to understand n never put a revenge to them. Face it with smile. Everthing happen have a reas0n..huHh!

Understand sumthin n later we’ll know how to s0lve it!!

I’m n0t understand why a best friend can misunderstood juz bcuz of other people that unconnected to them.
I’m n0t understand why human willing to do anything for m0ney.
I’m n0t understand how human can fight for unnecessary things.
I’m n0t understand why human can have jelousy to people that have m0re expectation than them.
I’m n0t understand how human can change from gud to bad..
I’m n0t understand how friends can dominate sum0ne life n change sum0ne become sumone else.
I’m n0t understand why a family relationship can estranged eventhough life’s full of property.
I’m n0t understand why human wanna take for granted to the weaker.
I’m n0t understand why human can be beside us during easy time n go away during difficult time
I’m n0t understand why human talk harsh about sum0ne else but they didn’t realized the badness of theirs.
I’m n0t understand why human can easily get influences even he/she the cleverest pers0n in studies.
I’m n0t understand why human willing to lie n bec0me sum0ne else juz to get an attenti0n.
I’m n0t understand why human can be so selfish in many aspects.
I’m n0t understand why human wanna fight n differentiate a person by the skin color.
I’m n0t understand why human can have the prejudice attitude to others.
I’m n0t understand why I can’t understand those things ab0ve.

So many things dat I still cann0t understand b0ut human. Mybe this is what a H.U.M.A.N..hard to expect n difficult to understand..Bcuz we actually didn’t reconigzed wh0 we are. We only kn0w b0ut study study n study… Emm mybe n0t we but me! But how far an educati0n will help us succeed? Juz think wisely…The imp0rtant is c0operate. We are facing for only 0ne same direction that is the everlasting direction. We’re only a servant who drop by to this w0rld. Time is the distance of our journey. Make our life as beautiful as a rainb0w with colourful happiness n in peace.

P/S: keep swimming…swimming~~ get the treasure!!


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