
Showing posts from March, 2010


How come so many reports have to be d0ne on time!! And, actually i 'm juz like a blind pers0n that has lOst his tongkat ... Under pressure duhh~ My life is very busy with rep0rts Everyday i have to see that creepy meepy repOrt stuffs, papers and all lah! With that i, thank u...!!!!!!!!!!!!! p/s: i'll try to seacrh the best st0ry of my life

No Sweat!

Hey! Anyone here get an over sweating prOblem?? HUh! This is a big problem guys if you have it.. First move action must quickly needed. The weather today will make us become m0re sweat than usual. Especially during hot weather that occured nowadays. Besides that, whatever we d0 we will always get sweat. Sweating can also make our body smells bad and feel uncomfortable. Some people wanna cover up the bad smell by sparying perfume through their entire body. Actually, they done wrong. The combination with your stinky body and the perfume will make it became more worse than before. The best way to smell good is using the deodorant. So, back off body odour! However, Adidas is very looking forward to solve this problem. Now, i presenting the new odoriferous deodarant from Adidas Action 3 product..FRESHHH!! FRESH ACTION 3: >>anti-perspirant >>anti-odOur >>active abs0rbent Very affordable, economical size, easy to bring along, easy to use and it is spary type.. To check out

My Favorite Surfing Spot

Everybody have their own favorite surfing spot. The favorite surfing spot is where you always do your surfing thing in a place that you feel relax and comfortable. Me, as a student of UTHM needs kinda cool spot to enjoy my surfing. Usually i'll do it during my free period.. Well, for your information, most of my time, i spend it staying in my super duper cool rOOm..So, of course my favorite surfing spot is my room. MY ROOM IS MY WORLD!!~ I am a civil engineering student that most of the time busy with studies, laboratories and all about the civil engineering stuffs. I finished my classes and usually feel tired and need some relaxtion. When i get home, forsure i need a rest. So, i just busying myself with surfing the internet. And of course my room will be my spotlight..yeahh!! It's your room so make it alive! (emm..i mean alive with good and fun activities) XD There are a lot of stuffs and information i can get while i'm surfing. Not just only playing games, chatting, f

Everything Comes Naturally

BAD NEWS!! The trip is cancel No trip for this week what the... The confirmation from HEP is very very slOoowww~ So, enj0y this week as usual *sigh*

Care to Wait

Well, not so many st0ries to tell, though.. What happened for the past few days before? Very busy yaW!! Actually, i finished my tests..2 tests Landscape Design Landscape Material n Technology It was so..s0oo..Ok laa~ With a l0t of assignments and projects around But at list, i feel relieved to finish my tests.. Now, i must finish up my assignments n pr0jects so that i can focus on another test.. Landscape Construction Contract :( Can't wait for this week Got a trip to Putrajaya f0r Landscape classes On the March 18 maybe or March 19... Yet, there will be BOoks Fair But on the March 20 there's Hot Air BallOn Fiesta in Putrajaya If only we could go on that day..Woww!! Awesome.. XD Chill chiLL..till then~

Time..Where Are You??

You may not making the best ch0ice when you organize your time actually. Because what u wish to do is not always what y0u'll d0ne. And lately, n0w i really in a busy m0od. I d0 n0t like this kind of situati0n!!! A lot of stuffz have to be d0ne on time. I must try to fix my time very weLL. Or maybe i may needed an organizer?? Can i? hehehehh.. ;) Never seems to be sufficient time even thOugh there are 24 hours in a day. of the main reasOn that we do n0t have en0ugh time is because we spent m0st of the time d0ing things that n0t pr0ductive. Why d0es it seem that u never have en0ugh time to d0 what u must to do?????? Alm0st pe0ple like to spend their time with these kinda activities that the-time-killers ; talking on the ph0ne. smsing. checking the email. playing faceb0Ok [very damn addict to pe0ple nowadays]. traffic jam. watching to0 much televisiOn. g0ssiping. talking2. chatting. gaming. bL0gging. .[oppSs!! n0t that..weee~]. bLa..blaa..Blaa.. The list c0uld go