Care to Wait

Well, not so many st0ries to tell, though.. What happened for the past few days before? Very busy yaW!! Actually, i finished my tests..2 tests Landscape Design Landscape Material n Technology It was so..s0oo..Ok laa~ With a l0t of assignments and projects around But at list, i feel relieved to finish my tests.. Now, i must finish up my assignments n pr0jects so that i can focus on another test.. Landscape Construction Contract :( Can't wait for this week Got a trip to Putrajaya f0r Landscape classes On the March 18 maybe or March 19... Yet, there will be BOoks Fair But on the March 20 there's Hot Air BallOn Fiesta in Putrajaya If only we could go on that day..Woww!! Awesome.. XD Chill chiLL..till then~


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