Exam Finish

Hey..!!! It's December already.. :))))
Finally....the final examinati0n come to the end. The last paper f0r today is Material of Mechanics. The questions were ok. I think i did well.. Forsure today is an awes0me day!! It is the end of the first year semester one in degree of civil engineering.
Alth0ugh last night i got the m0st bad headache ever..huhh!~ Really in pain last night. I felt that i just kn0cked my head to wall to wall...*seyez rase mcm owg kne sakit otak* SoOooooo my quick acti0n was to find minyak kapak and put it all over my forehead..DAMNNN pain!!!! Actually there was no effect or overcome my headache.. I tried to sleep sleeeppppp sleep~~..zzzZZZZZzzzz.. Then, when i woke up in the morning the headache not yet dissapear. I got worried.. Just imagined that while i took my exam with unpr0perly condition and sure i can't f0cus right?? hohOho.. I tried to take a deep breath, be calm and relax my mind. After that i took my breakfast and did last minute revisi0n.. Lucky me the headache g0ne! hahaa..
Aahaaa..Ehemm...OhoOoookayyyy!! Now i must enj0y my h0lidays and prepare for the next coOL semester. Can't wait to see u 2011.. ^^
p/s: don't kn0w whats g0nna happen with my result..Better be goOd...


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