Here Again

At last.. I'M FREEEEE Lets straight to the point! Very l0oOonnnggggg time i left this webby bL0g alone with0ut nothing Cause i've been so0o so0ooo busy... g0t a l0t of stuffs to carry on Let me list out all of them bebeh! 1. pr0jects (no limit) 2. assignments ( no limit) 3. t0wn and gOwn (2.10.2010) 4. c0nvocati0n program (8.10.2010 - 12.10.2010) 5. Kota Sesat IV (8.10.2010 - 11.10.2010) 6. graduatiOn day (11.10.2010) 7. tests (no limit) 8. phot0sho0ts (10.10.2010 - no limit) 9. cO-co 10. You're Beautiful Programme (16.10.2010) See..3 weeks stuffs that must be d0ne on time Jaja is a str0ng gurl!! yeahhhh.. I'll post the photos as so0n as p0ssible.. -to be continued-


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