Voice From A GurL

Theme> need sum0ne to sp0tlight Time>1.01am Day>Wednesday Doing>updating bl0g Eat>bread+oaT, laksa j0hor Drinks>mil0 ice,sky juiCe Mo0d>average + b0red + excited Situati0n>weird + lil confused Obsess> dance + s1ng Atitude>tingt0ng! Fav0urite> meet the r0binson Bo0ks>remaja,Japanese c0mic,0xford dicti0nary,maths,manual nokN78,BH Sh0utout> I hve t0 let it g0 n juz enj0y the sh0w Confessi0n> Thank g0d I f0und U Wanted>an icE cream & ice blended strawberry S0ngs> true,1234,superhuman,mad,tentang kitA Facial>grin =D Sigh>huh! Aiy0oo…. Heartbeat>stable/unlimited Promises>hard to d0 but the h0pe is there…juz try C0lour>blue + lil bit yell0w Less0n>always make pe0ple happy Sh0ws>When a stranger call, Music fact0ry,La d0lce Amira,that’s s0 raven Questi0n>Is it hard to express our feeling to others? Spirit>ganbatte kudasai jaja-san!!!! Magic>heart n s0ul Mail>nothin Word for t0day> f0rwad “keep m0ving forward” [meet the r0bins0n] P/S: We can make magic!


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