R.A.Y.A 2009

SELAMAT ARI RYER!!!...Maaf zahir & batin.. Juz wanna say happy aidilfitri. Today is the 1st day of hari raya. I get up early in the mOrning at 8.30 a.m, took a bath, then took my baju kurung frOm my wardrObe..haha.. My baju kurung is yellOw in colOr. My favourite!!~ After that, get d0wnstairs to take my breakfast. As usual kueh raye is the 1st one i'm gonna eat. Huuhh~ About 1 mOnth i have been fasting n at last nO more fasting seOson n welcome for Hari Raya....! Then, at the end of calling of azan, we all get ready to go to the graveyard. WhOa! A lot of pe0ple at there. Actually itz abOut 10.20 a.m but still have a lOt of people there. They're wearing cOlorful n beautiful baju kurung. Sometimes i get impress with them. Ya laa... A visited to graveyard juz like having an open hOuse fOr hari raya.. hehehe ;)

Alrite..You knOw wut, some of children take an advantage to sell fl0wers n a packet of fl0wer ab0ut 1 dollar each. Huh.. Juz f0r decoration on the grave. Hmm, well for me it doesnt matter to have flowers or nOt. [dun be quate]~ Ok then.. We went to our belOved cousin's house. Wah..expected to get duet rayer! hee~ Of cuz get what! Peace 2 u kazen!!..

Uncle dr0ve to hOme then. Juz relaxing, watching hari raya TV special, makan-makan, lepaking......hmmm...n....tin! tin! tin...!! Guess wut??!! AbOut 5 cars came to attack my hOuse..haha. FuLL! Full... No space.. HUHH!! Next 2 cars came by. Wahh!! What on earth tOday.. Fiiiuuuy. My hOuse is like to explode. Children shOuting, laughing, climbing jumping n running here n there, n bla..bla..bla... TIRED!! Tired...but enjOy bebeh! Till nite pe0ple come n gO. No worries cuz mOney also come in..Wuahaha~ i Like....

I think thats all fOr rayer today. We'll see next time... I feel so tired lOr..Need sum rest.TudeLLs all!!


  1. walawei,,,,,,
    jaja ada blog....
    blog itu membahagiakan.....

    selamat hari raya ....


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