"mul0t lu ngn kaki lu lebey kurg sme je kn"
"don't because of one mat rempit, all mat rempit spOiled"
"wa xmaen r mat-mat rempit nie br0..wa layan mat kete bro...yg ade bumb0ng...xkne ujan br0~"
"d0nt make banana fruit 2 times"
"jgn krne nila setitik r0sak susu rempit..eh siLap! rosak rempit sebelanga.."
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA...WUAHAHAHAHAA!!!... What the funniest m0vie i had ever seen..WoohOoooo~~...Last wednesday, i went f0r a movie with my friends at MBO SO.. And guess what! It was so0oo coOLLL der. heeee... ;) The ADNAN SEMPIT..
Actually, the st0ry is about a man wh0 likes to rempit n als0 about the one that he l0ves.. Kinda r0mantic comedy m0vie..haha. But really enj0yable. U should watch it babes! Never regret! hahaha... This m0vie take 1hour n 25minutes only... Laugh..laugh..laugh..n...laugh all the way l0ng! makes my m0uth in pain. Uuurrrr~
After watching, we went to mcD. Eating n having fun with them bef0re something weird happened. A guy came towards me n asking my ph0ne number.. Hah?? What the! sh0cked in a sec0nds. Crazy mannnn... hahaha. That guy said, "hey adek, sum0ne wanted ur phOne number." *freeze* You kn0w what..he gave me a pen and a tissue to write d0wn my phone number on that tissue paper!! EeeeuuuWww~~
Lucky me n my friends just finished our f0od. So, as soOn as possible i get up fr0m my chair n check oUt from McD.. Fiuuyyy! What a creepy night..huh. It gives me trauma f0r that m0ment for being in mcD. Hahahhh~
For u, my friends...It's the 1st time we spend time t0gether rite? heee.. ;) U guyz r0cks!! Yeahhhh...
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