what a very l0ng time i had never t0uch this bloggie cutie nicey c0olie bl0G...wee~
Actually, i have so many things to tell.. Hmm.. ab0ut my industrial trainning, favOrite reality
shOw, ISO meeting, monthly pr0gress repOrt n bLa...bla..blaaaa... HUhh!
What a mess..to say so many things
Juz like one mOuth to say hundred of things.. Aiyaaa~
ok..i have to say it n0w..hehehe
1) Industrial Training
Ohh..it's such a blink away. Only 5 weeks to go.. Then, i'm g0ing to further my bachel0r degree in civil engineering. But, never decide yet which university i'm going to choose.. Well, the practical cOndition until this week was very exciting.. A lot of things going on right nOw. I have had so many experience..hmm..i think sO~ The most important thing is i must make myself feel comfortable working in the CLSB company. For sure u'all dont kn0w that i, actually, working under project department (PJC). PJC is the main department that will make the 1st move to the company. All project that this company get will be arrange under this department. In CLSB, i'm busy doing BQ (bil quntities) for tender, PO (purchase order), plan analysing and others.. Pretty amazing and enjoy doing these stuffs. WORK...WORK...WORK...
2)Favorite Reality Show
I hope it is not late to wish congratulatiOns to the AF8's winner.. I knew he will get the cr0wn of the champiOn. Yeahhhh! The winner is SHAHIR!!!! "che amad hoi hoi hOi"...heee~ He got the highest votes 43.9%..i guess...Weho0oo..(excited nyer pmpuan nie..hish) 2nd place g0es to ADIRA, 3rd - DAUS, 4th - MAULANA, and last but not least the ad0rable one, the 5th place g0es to IWAN... ;P Well, i never miss the AF seasOn from the 1st till nOw..haha..freaky ha! (lantak laa..). Ok...these are some pictures from AF8!!! Take a l0ok..!

3) ISO Meeting --- As usual, i went to my office n finish my work. But on last Wednesday, was a creepy and unbelieveable day fOr me. Just imagine, my boss asked me to replace my site engineer position in the ISO meeting.. I said >> haa...WHATTTT??? very speechless duhh.. I just went out from toilet and the admin executive tOld me that CLSB boss wanted me to replace the site engineer place during the meeting..Ohhh damn mann!! haha.. I reaLLy didn't kn0w what kind of ISO thingy is braDaa..! hahaha.. SOooo i, actually, went to the meeting roOm and acted like i knOw everything..but actually i knOw nothing bOuT I.S.O.. HUHHhhh! What the..!! The meeting was held for a h0le day..Tired pLusss boringggggg...They talked abOut bla..bLAaaa....bla...n..bla... They asked so many questiOns. Some of them i can answer very weLL but some aren't.. AND..some, i asked them questiONs..haha! Hmmm..during the meeting the ISO consultant asked me to re-dO the monthly progress repOrt from september 2009 untiL today..n again i said>>> WHATTTT THE??? Crazzzyyy lah! I must finish it very soOn cause the ISO consultant wanna come again.. At last, i knOW the ISO things.. CLSB company have a MS ISO 9001 : 2008 meeting... YEAhhhh!!! So the replacement is success!! ;)
4) Monthly Progress Report ----- i'm exhausted and dizzy completing this kind of stuff. I feel like i must finish it very quickly. hUhhh!! The badness is, i l0st my monthly pr0gress rep0rt foLder dude..Perrhhh..keje giLer r..! I need to do it again..Aiyaiyaiyaiyai~~ Strive f0r exceLLent j0b gurL!! weehOOoo.. Okay..FOCUS time! hey pe0ple..i'll try to complete this rep0rt n talk to u so0n..
See ya..Ganbatte!!
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