SMILE FOR THE CAMERA!! S4TC.... My life is busy Busy sometimes can make me happy Busy sometimes can make me crazy Busy sometimes can make me feel valuable Life busy f0r something Sometimes d0ing something c0uld make anything refreshing Life busy with pe0ple People wh0 need me n unneed me I make myself busy Maybe just like an alibi Busy is part and parcel of life Life busy with studies Students really busy with assignments, quizes n everything I'm shaded I need a sunshine and mo0nlight to gr0w and gl0w my mind up Give me s0me light and sh0w me the right path A stranger that asked to return such a l0ng way back My time wasted to wait s0mething that is n0t imp0rtant at all Life is busy Busy with everything Handle our heart with care Bring al0ng where so ever y0u go.. It will be sad if what u've waited bef0r is just like waiting rain fall d0wn in dr0ught Love to make my life busy with happiness Just do it! Tell busy to escape Tell busy to bluff Tell busy to all answers Busy is mess Busy is alert Buzz buzzz buzzzyyyy.....


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