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Yeahh...miss my bl0g so muchy much! long didnt update this blog. i'm having my study week's holidays for 3 weeks. My final examinati0n is just around the c0rner. As you've seen above is the exam time table.. I only sit for 4 papers this semester. But actually quite l0ts to study an remember. It is the first time for me to sit for 2 papers for the 1st day of examination. Hahaha... heart attack lah. For sure my brain will be on fire and almost expl0de mann!! So pray for me guys...Pray for my success..PLEEEAAASSSEEEEEE!!! amin~~
So many stories to tell today. For your information, i had been join a community services on 29oct till 31oct at FELDA Pemanis II, Segamat, Johor. Actually i had joined RELA uniform club. 1st time in my life i'd done community services and felt awkward lah. I need to stay with a family that i absolutely not recognise! They divided us into a group and each group will be choosen by families how many people they need. Actually, we all will be as their temporary children or kn0wn as 'anak angkat'..hihiii~ Awkward! awkward..AWKWARD...lalaalala... As for me, my group only have 4 people. Our temporary mummy and daddy only need 4 children so lucky for us to have them. At 1st, mummy and daddy looks quiet and not out spoken at all..hehee.. But, 1st step that we did was trying introducing ourselves to them. Told them about our ownself n last the conversation was succeed. Although we reached very late at nite but we try to chat with them. Mummy is cool. Daddy is story teller. Then, the next day we started our activities. Very tired but REALLY damn enjoyed there. We do this did that d0ne that and with soils (actually doing semai kelapa sawit lah...very fun and extreme taw..heee~), joined sports, culture nights and got lots of new FRIENDSSSS!!! yeyyy...
Semai palm oil is not easy. Very need hard work to complete those.. An old lady could do to semai the palm oil alone by herself but for me..i tried to semai too and....guess what! damn tired yo!! Salute to that aunty la. First, they teached us how to semai a palm oil and for the rest of the palm oil, we tried to complete to semai them all. Just imagine we must go up hill and down hill to semai the palm oil...And for sure me...very COMOT that day..hahaha.
After semai activity, during afternoon was a sports activity. Many kind of sports such as volley ball, takraw, futsal, and also sukaneka. I had joined volley ball and the sukaneka ( blow sweets in fl0ur)..hihiii.... Very funny la. For the sukaneka i won 2nd place and volley ball 3rd place..Not bad for a 1st time joinner join this kind of sports. Well, i dont care about what place i win. The important part is the enj0yment and precious moment AND the most fun experience i get.
Next, for culture nite at the same day after semai and sports activity. My group did fashion show drama..hohoo. Background music from Wonder Girls: Nobody. Our group got a big applause from audience. Well of course for the shemale part lah..HAHAHAHAH..those guys are ver sporting to turn theirselve to shemale..hihihihihihihi..I cant stop to laugh lah!!!! Although im on the runaway show still couldnt stop laughing to see them did the runaway session...hahahaha!! what on earth!!... really enjoyed.
The most i like during this community services is the best part of getting new friends. For me, it is the best i ever have. Makes me close to each other and kn0w bout other people more. Can see many kind of people from every ages and attitude.
Couldn't believe that i've done all those things.. All in the first time babe! haha..Really gonna miss all those things lah. For sure miss mummy and daddy. Hope that one day we will meet again. Very cool experience i get in my life...!
For final examinatiOn..JAJA DO THE BEST!!! don't dreaming while study okayy..oH0ookayyy...! GANBATTE KUDASAI
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