First Week In College
Im back on track..
After l0ng time hibernate..heheh! :P
Well, actually i dont have time to internet access at my rented h0use
So im waiting for the streamyx pe0ple to set up WIFI at my rented house
I am no longer staying in residential college anym0re
Its ok cause it is just near by my college...opposite oh0kayyy!! XD
Break the ruLes..weheeee~~
Kinda chaOs but still under control
First week in college always the same..hmm.
The first day of class sets the tone for the rest of term.
It is natural for student.
About 4 months break yo!

I think most of students are still in holiday moOd
First day enter a construction engineering class, kinda excited..BUT...the class was canceled =.=''
huh...*mcm d0wn je rse*
I hope for the good starts but it turns to disaster >.<"
Supposed that all lecturers should enter their class because most student feel excited to start the lecture..*most? hmmm i think certain laa... ;)) *
Maybe lecturer also still in h0liday mood..ghay0..ghayo0oo!!!
New UTHM new life new style new me..!!!
Lets begin our class with good starts
After l0ng time hibernate..heheh! :P
Well, actually i dont have time to internet access at my rented h0use
So im waiting for the streamyx pe0ple to set up WIFI at my rented house
I am no longer staying in residential college anym0re
Its ok cause it is just near by my college...opposite oh0kayyy!! XD
Break the ruLes..weheeee~~
Kinda chaOs but still under control
First week in college always the same..hmm.
The first day of class sets the tone for the rest of term.
It is natural for student.
About 4 months break yo!

I think most of students are still in holiday moOd
First day enter a construction engineering class, kinda excited..BUT...the class was canceled =.=''
huh...*mcm d0wn je rse*
I hope for the good starts but it turns to disaster >.<"
Supposed that all lecturers should enter their class because most student feel excited to start the lecture..*most? hmmm i think certain laa... ;)) *
Maybe lecturer also still in h0liday mood..ghay0..ghayo0oo!!!
New UTHM new life new style new me..!!!
Lets begin our class with good starts
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