When Things Get Too Busy

Hey yo!

Look at the date..it's 20112011
nice nice..nice date
Damn to0ooo long not update on this bl0ggie bLog..
Just n0ticed that the applicati0n is a bit different lah!
New is it hah?
Looks kinda blueeeee
*shocked plus just realized*
o.O << face
Actually, this is a rand0m update from me
Just to let know that im not escape from updating my blog
lately...im kinda busy with my stuffs
Well of course my works
*hmm...study ler -.-" bOwringgg~~banyak test la w0iii*

like a lot okay.. -.-''
emm..owhhh yeahhh...i guess??
o.O'' << face
I wanna write lots of things..like l0ts ohokayy!
Give me some time and i will do the best
heh heh...XD
Okayyyy....i guess right n0w im kinda tingt0ng a bit
Hmmm.... :((
My hamster died last wednesday...im so0ooo sad :(
No wonder la he l0oks ill and weak
*hmm...how do i know that it is a 'HE'??*
ok fine...i just know ok...dont ask me -.-''
I already buried him not far from my house...
The aunty opposite my house was l0oking at me with some weird face..weird0! haha
Maybe she th0ught that...what is that girl d0ing over there?
playing with soils?
what is she doing??
why is she digging a h0le?
*suspicious aunty...so many questi0ns la aunty*
rest in peace Bubba
Ok...this random update going to end soon
like n0w la..end n0w! ;)
Will update later


p/s: love <3 love <3 love love love...LOL


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