Well Hello To The Lion City

If any of you follow my facebo0k, you guys w0uld have kn0wn that me and family went to Singapore f0r holiday or the specific term is jalan-jalan. ;) Should i describe the Singapore? Well..let me tell u a lil bit. For me, Singapore is quite same as Malaysia. But it is very hard to find Halal Food.. And i dont like the t0ilets. It's auto lahh.. i dont prefer auto things actually.. o.O Lucky me leave in Malaysia. Thank God Malaysia have so0ooo many halal f0od and go0d toilets too.. :)) I can say that Singapore is more organize than Malaysia. Why i said that? Because, the country is very neat and organized very well..especially the buildings arrangement. you sh0uld see it y0urself. For y0ur information, the Singapore's city is at the middle of the country. Although we know that Singapore is an small island. But actually, Singapore is awesOmeee!!! We do enjoy our short h0liday there. We walked like a l0t till our feets hurt so bad! we went to Singapore city and Universal Studios Singapore. AWESOME guys!! Plus excited... We went to all main attractions at USS. The weather is quite hot but in the evening kinda rain a lil bit. But it was nice :D Arhhhh!! enough with wOrds. Let the picture do the talking. :)
New York Town
*.* cute duggy...wait f0r long to snap a ph0to with this duggy yo!
of course the hotsp0t to take a ph0to..yeahhh!!
Is this Hollyw0od?? SCORE..!.!
Walk of Fame :))
This is the Battlestar Galagtica..the tallest r0ller coaster in the w0rLd..DAMN! i tried it. It is so high and so fast..*mcm nak trcabot dada i* but wanna ride it again..nice!!
Far Far Away Castle..where Shrek met Fiona.. owhhh s0ooo sweett~~ ;)
I went to the 4D film..and it was...arhhhhh..mind bl0oowingggg!! SUPERBBB REAL! I g0t wet. I c0uld feel the wind. I c0uld feel like riding a h0rse. Feel like on top of the world.. ^^,
Sure you recognise this house right.. SHREK's CRIB :)
This is bumbleebee's leg..heheh! Now, it is the Transf0rmers section. It is awes0me.. The transf0rmer ride 3D was super duper co0L and splendid..totally like real and feel like im on the transf0rmer's film..GREAT!!
Oh0kaayyyy...u sh0uLd bother this photo..me kinda dreaming to get a Golden Globe Award..hahah!! Well, actually, if u see the words on that award it is for The Best Girlfriend Award lah..weeee~ *gelak guling-guling... :D*
Merchandise that i bOught..a little..cause busy entertain myself with all games in USS
Oh GOD..we had a great fun there. USS is so grand. We went to all attractiOns and never miss it. There are Hollywo0d...Madagascar...Far Far Away...The Lost World...Ancient Eygpt...Sci-Fi City...New York...awesOooomeeeee!!! Like it a lot..Really enj0yed there. We wants m0ree!! :) vide0s so0n...


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