Back On Track

HAPPY 2014!

It's 2014!
Break the record!..On the 22th of April, is the right time for me to update this blog. Almost fiveeee monthhhhh! This is crazy. I really miss writing and blogging. I miss my bloggggg. Arghhh!!! This is bad. Really really... Ok, enough with anger. Please bring back the mood of blogging *praying* Don't make me stop from blogging. The end of expression of feeling! LOL...


My life is damn busy. I really have no time to check my blog. But it doesn't mean that i forget about esmeraldacage. I just need the right time to sit down and view my own blog and get some mood to post my story. Almost 5 months back, i am really busy with my research work. Absolutely busy. And some personal matters affecting me t0o. Sort off. :-P Don't worry. Now i already back on track. The past whole 5 months were focused on my research. Master's Research of Civil Engineering. I will tell more about what i had going through for almost 5 MONTHSSS!! Because i've already done my research presentation... MERDEKAAAA *for awhile only..~ hmm..*

Please do not hesitate to read my blog..



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