Poem For The Past 5 Month (Part 3)

Month: March 2014

This month full of lab testings
Dear...Triaxial compression test
Ring shear test
Direct shear test
Moisture content test
Everydayyyyyy :-O
RECESS is just like my 2nd house
The air of that centre is very suit to me
Couldn't get rid of peat soil and testings...part of my life
This is so ironic...full of melancholy and metaphora
Seeking for journals about peat in Malaysia
Listed the properties of peat
Mister supervisor oh mister supervisor...don't stressed out
I'm trying hard to make things done with a proper way
Updated the research proposal to pass up to ORICC for end of semester
Re-do testing is part of research..patience always in my pocket
Uhhhuhhh...patience is the key to success (quote for research student)
Give up?? owhhh..there is no time to think of that
Strong mind 
Strong heart
Stayyyy stronggggg!
Yeahhh...i like my job
HAHAHA...~ *crazy mazy*


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