Poem For The Past 5 Month (Part 4)

Month: April 2014

Meeting was part of my life for this month
Almost every week got meeting
A charity project has been done and i'm involved on it
OPKIM was the named...It was held at Parit Nipah, Batu Pahat
There were 3 types of construction that our RECESS team handled...greatt!!!
From day and night we've work very hard on it!
Work on it!
And never forget about the research proposal presentation on 16th of April
The presentation went smooth and cool
Good Job!!! although there were some things that i need to make it better and clear
I'm successfully presented my research..panels comments were useful...Noted!
BUT..before that, it seems like "today" is my first time to have a look at PHD presentation
Such a nice opportunity and i'm really impressed...thanks to my supervisor who invited me
Besides, briefing for FYP student is a must
Direct shear box (the famous machine)
Me...people keep on seeking for me and asking me
Research testings are still going on
Direct simple shear
Direct shear box
Hemic peat
Those are my closest friends
My partners
My life
My everything...
Never give up..keep on trying
Happyy.... :D


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