Moment For The Past Months of 2014

I will continued my diary for the past few months of 2014 because this is the right time for me to update my blog after so many things need to be done. I have no freetime since i'm focused on my master's research project. Finally, all is well! So, let me share and conclude with you some of my activities from the past few months before. 

August 2014

Life is always involved with many types of works. It keeps on going no matter how much we put our life on it.
The person who manage to handle those things can congratulate herself of being a determine person
On 5th August 2014, was the birthday of this kinda girl. She do this, did that, done everything by her ownself. She believe that seeking a help for the others sometimes cannot solve every problem. Cool, calm and focus! Don't care of what other people says. Life is a must to enjoy.


Yayy! It's my birthday..

Happy birthday to me..happy birthday to me
Happy birthday happy birthday

Im still a kid! *just imagine*
BUT!! Guess whattt???
I've got my own car! My own personal car on my birthday.. :D 
It's already stated on my roadtax ok...5th August 2014. Hahah~~
MyVi (lagibest) SE1.5 metallic silver
May happiness will always be mine..
Although this month is my birthday, but nothing stops me from doing my work
Testing is still on going and everything is in oder.
An then, comes the RECESS Open Day. It has been held a day at DTMI Hall, UTHM. The program is smoothly organized and done great.
Forensic Structure Failures by Prof. Steve from University of Leeds is a talk that i must attend. Although i am not in the forensic structure's path, the information that i get is mind blowing. This talk open up my mind about structure, especially on the topic of structure failure. Yah, i admit that i am not quite very good in design structure subject. HAHAA~

September 2014

Here we go again
The testing is still on and no sign to decrease..WHY???
My supervisor is keep on giving me new samples and new testings to finish and now i have 5 locations need to be done
AWESOMEEE! bluargghhh~~
Let say, if i already finished 3 locations, he will asked me to do new types of soil to be compared or find some new location that is different from the 1st testing
Find the new method
Find the new specimen
Do the different analysis
OHH! he also asked me to brief the degree's final year student about their final year project
Help them with their project
Give them title of the project
Listed out the objectives of the final year project
Give them the suitable method about the project
bla..bla..bla.... *sort of*
I did everything for the final year students
I also attended for the cent
The next preparation is for Sabah Conference (InCEIC) many things to be prepared
Keep on listing the stuffs
A meeting with degree’s final year student and supervisor about their final year project (PSM)
As always, every meeting will be a bit moody because some of the final year student is kinda slow to start their own progress. They need some motivations i guess!
URGGhhhhHHhh!!~ *patience*
This is it! The day to the Sabah's Conference has come..i'm off to Sabah for almost 1 week. I did fly to Sabah by Air Asia with my research group.
3 girls and a boy without our supervisor
We walked alone and be an independent student. After all, it was awesome!

October 2014

The ticket is set and the destination is on..We are going to Borneo!
I went to Sabah, Malaysia for a week. It was awesomeeee!!
Actually, this is regarding to my conference *grinnn* but, work and travel is also a nice vacation
Welcome to BORNEO!!
Sabah is such a wonderful, calm, peace and cool place with the weather is not so hot
Maybe this is because, Sabah is located near to the leg of Kinabalu Mountain. The highest mountain in Asian
Sabah also is surrounded with a lot of islands..beautiful and nice islands that you will never regret
I recommended to everyone who reach to Sabah should not missed out the beautiful islands in it..this is a MUST!
To be a presenter in International Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Conference (INCIEC2014) was kinda nervous okay
This is my first time to present and talk about my research to all the intelligent people and other researcher..this is my 1st time! 1st timeee....eyarrgghhhh!~~
You could not imagine what my hearbeat would be like -.-"
My conference was on the 1st October..but luckly i succeded to present my research..Aminnn!
It is published in Springer and you can google based on this:

SHB Mansor, AB Zainorabidin - InCIEC 2014, 2015 - Springer (for international worldwide)
S Mansor, A Zainorabidin - 2014 - (for UTHM viewer)

Ohhh! almost forgot.. i met my lecturer at that conference too. But he already transfered to another university, UiTM Shah Alam.
He is Mr. Maiziz who teached me Structural Design..very excited to meet him..can't believe it that we can meet at the same place.. He also presenting his research with his colleage
We talked a lot and plan something interesting too
Guess what???
He asked me and my group to join the adventure of exploring Sabah Borneo
So, why not. The more the merrier right! All is set
We're going to explore Sabah Borneo together after our presentation. It was very exciting and we enjoyed sooOOOooo MUCHHH!
Let the photos tell the stories.....
(will update the photos soonnnn....)
What a beautiful place...i love that place. Ok then.
Now is for the other conference that held in Bandung, Indonesia
The flight ticket is ready and luggage is set, s0ooo to the Bandung we go
It also tooks 1 week to stay in Bandung. We also went to Jakarta, Indonesia..This is a good opportunity to experience the country around the world
No matter we are in work situation. This is what we called as work and travel. It can be named as vacation too! HAHAHA.. :D
Im away from Malaysia this time.. from 18th October - 24th October
I also need to present my research in this conference, but, this time im not feeling stomache or nervous at all..only a little or just a pinch of salt..hihii XD
Im presenting in a good mood although the hall was very very big for me
At last, it was properly done and i've got a compliment form my supervisor for the presentation..Thank GOD!
My research also has been published in a book of SSEGI Proceedings
I've been all around the Bandung and is a nice country and i love shopping hereee!!! Sooooo coollllll~~
Let the photos tell you the stories.....
(will update the photos soonnnn....)

This has been a wonderful, delightful and overwhelming for me to experience and get the opportunity to be part of these conferences.
Eventhough i am in new phase, i managed to try and took part with some of this event.
I can see new things and learn new things.
Although at first i'm a bit awkward but i enjoyed them all.
I just need to be brave enough to grab all the new things around me because i'm not ready to quit!!
I'm ready to face anything for the sake of my future. This is my life
Ok Ok enough with that..hahahah!
Lets go back to the normal life.. :P

November 2014

This month I needed to list out my activities, programmes and meetings which I had to involve
It was such chaos month
I've had been selected to judge and joined the GeoFest 2014 at UTHM.
I needed to judge about 11 groups of Degree's student with many kind of projects and innovations
It was really tired and exhausted to judge each and every group but I am quite impressed with their works
Some of the innovation was very interesting and it will be such a waste if we do not take serious with these kind of project
I'm happy and enjoyed judging their projects eventhough I'm quite exhausted..huhh!
Just imagined! I need to judge 11 groups of Degree of Civil Engineering student...owhh mannn!~
I didn't have enough time to rest although sometimes people sees me like relax-cool-nothing-happen-girl at all
Focusing on preparing my progress report presentation is wayyy more important!! Because I wanted to finish my research as soon as possible
The slides for my presentation is ready and I think it is superb :D *yeayyy*
Finally, I'm succeeded to present my research progress and got positive comments from my 2 panels
I am very thankful to God that I have had an opportunity to get an interview for UTHM Scholarship
The interview session was going smoothly and it was conducted by all Faculty Deans and the Head of Centre of Graduate Studies
Quite nervous during the interview session but I felt reliefed after it's over 
Meetinggggg......zZZZzzzZZzzz~ o.o"
The ICPE conference meeting is keep on going until the month of December..
I am the person who incharged for the participants and presenters in the conference
The application is keep on increasing everyday so it is my job to keep on updating the informations and bla..blaa...blaaa...*pening-pening~*
Me and my team need to organize and rearranged the form registration of ICPE conference everyday
Collected and updated the registration application of ICPE conference
Besides that, I also did some briefing for PSM student (final year students of Degree of Civil Engineering) about their final year project and testings involved
There were 8 Degree's student under my supervisor but he gave me only 3 students for me to handle
It was not easy but I tried my best. Furthermore, the students were quite independent.
I needed to list out the suitable title for their thesis, objectives, scopes and methods for them
I also had been appointed to join as a comittee member for Projek Amal Kempen Keselamatan Jalan Raya at SK Parit Raja. This happened because of my supervisor asked me to help him to handle the event

December 2014

This is the end of the 2014. For sure, so much things needed to be done on the spot
IIES Conference at UTHM..i am the presenter in the conference to share about my research on peat soil
This time i didn't feel any nervous or heartbeat like pumping out because maybe i am usee to present in the conference before. Thanks to my supervisot who asked me to present and involved in any useful and beneficial conferences
I presented it smoothly and clearly, i guess..hahah! 
Because the panels gave a good compliment to me based on my presentation.. Alhamdulillah...
So, it all wents very well
Then, a few weeks later i continued to update the ICPE 6th conference participant and organized the namelist of participants because the application is already closed and this will make me quite reliefed. No need to update anymore!!
The last meeting for ICPE conference was to discuss about the tentatives, transportation, venue and hotel to stay. Everything must be in oder
Finally, we're all satisfied with the organization and can get ready for the conference soon
Another seminar i needed to attend was a Seminar by Professor Leung from National University of Singapore (NUS) entitled “Centrifugal Pump of Soft Soil”
The seminar was quite bored but need to attend because my supervisor asked me too..
NUS is superb unniversity an a top ten university in the world ohokayyy!! 
Next, i need to get ready for another international conference. But this time, i didn't need to present my research. I am the person who charge of the event. 
A lot of things need to be done. It was kinda chaos like 3 weeks before. Everything needs to be done properly especially the application of participants. There were more than 280 people who is interested to join this conference from all over the world.
The day has come! I went to UTeM and stayed there for two nights in Hotel Seri Malaysia because of managing the ICPE Conference
The hotel was comfortable and tidy. My room was just opposite the swimming pool area but didn't have time to do splash-splash in the pool
It also provided us with free breakfast and it was awesome...i love free stuffs! Hehee..
The ICPE conference was splendid eventhough felt tired yaw!
Let the photos tell you the stories.....
(will update the photos soonnnn....)


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