Travel to India, Indonesia and Australia

Today is the last day of 2019. This year brings a lot of nice  and adventurous moments that i can keep them in heart forever. As usual, i will travel every year to other new place for a little adventure and evolving the travelling spirit to enjoy the meaning of life. What's the point of life it we don't want to see the other horizon that God has creates? Well, to those who are fortunate to see the world, you should see it while you can. Of course we'll need some extra sacrifice in order to see it. But, believe me, you wouldn't regret to spend your time or money on books and travels. Furthermore, there is a quote stated that "A world is a book. And those who do not travel read only one page".

You should go somewhere you've never been! You will learn something new and if you are lucky you can find peace and your true self. Alright, enough of those random thoughts. The past few months, i've been traveled to 3 different countries that's absolutely excites me. I am thankful to see the other part of world every year. It doesn't matter to travel oversea or within my own country. For me, to have time to plan for travelling is enough. After so much effort to focus on work, study and improving myself, i think i need a little break to enjoy my life without stress or pressure. GUESS WHAT?? I did enjoy my travels fully without regrets BUT more to thankfulness. This year, i went to INDIA, INDONESIA and AUSTRALIA. Let me throwback some wonderful time there.

If you are brave to travel independently, then you have a strong confident in yourself. I see travel is not too much different with our life. In life, we need to be strong, brave, bold and confident to decide what is right or wrong. We need to speak out with facts and deliver through actions. Simple saying but no action is bullshit! I've learned a lot when i'm travelling such as planning, decision making, communication, organizing, understanding, thankful and many more. I think, throughout my travel journey as a bagpacker, i see the world in different perspective and in my own point of view. It makes me more independent and believe in myself. WHY? because i didn't have any tour guide to rely on. I have to stand on my own feet from first day till last day of travel. 

YES! I am proud of myself based on those journeys that i've been through. I run my own style of travelling. Well, i didn't ask any of you to follow my steps because not all can adapt with this kind of life. But for me, it is enough to explore the world in my own way and mesmerize with the God's creations. I will never stop to travel around the world because it is one of the biggest achievement for me and i will grab it. My principal of life is, I will do what i wanna do, I will get what i wanna get, I don't care what other people think, as long as i satisfy of what it is!

So guys, lets hear my experiences during my travels to those countries. YEAHH~~

Once a year, go some place you've never been before - Dalai Lama


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