Story of Bagpacker to Perth

I will never get tired when it comes to share my travelling experiences to people because i am having so much fun when i go to travel. I think, it would be nice to share the wonderful destinations and experiences that i had along the journey. Alright, for this backpacker's story, i would like to say that this is very unexpected destination. I planned to go to Japan with my friend and we surveyed the cheapest tickets already but not yet book. But suddenly, i found another promo ticket and after i've calculated and survey from other airlines and previous travel blogger, that ticket that i found was kinda cheap and worth. So, guess what? I totally changed the plan and quickly confessed to my friend that we will be going to that country. She AGREED and its a green light!

So, here we gooooo...WE ARE GOING TO PERTH, AUSTRALIA!! Yeahh guys we did! We booked the ticket spontaneously during that time, on the spot! We don't want to miss this golden opportunity because the ticket was really worth the money. We were so excited although it was the end of month, means that "salary is at the end of the race" LOLL! But, who caressss...the luck not comes easily guys. Sooo i'm ON she's ON. WE'RE ONNN! PERTH IS ON. Alright, enough with that over exposed adrenaline rush thingy~~ We've booked the tickets 8 months early. Yes too early to buy a flight ticket right..HAHAA. Well, that's me. When i found a cheap deal forsure i will grab it. Golden chances is hardly to get, so why not..GO GRAB IT GIRL! This trip should be a bestie trip, me and my friend but then, my family found out about this plan. They wanted to follow us and yeah i think we can called it as family trip, eventhough my friend is not in the blood group of our family. Its fine and besides, she didn't care at all. So yeah PERTH IS ON! 6 people are ON.

As usual, i would prepared the itinerary, passports, visas, locations, where to eat, accommodation, transportation and activities during the trip. I love doing these things because i can learn new things while studying the country that i'll be going to visit. Why?? Because mostly in all oversea vacations, we didn't apply any tour guide or tourism for our holidays. We rather plan and manage by ourselves because it is more easy and cheap. So, if you read my blog about my holiday trips, those are probably a bagpacker trip. Yeah, i'm a bit cheapskate when it comes to travel and i will do it according to plan. No worries. If i have free time i will share all my travelling itineraries & budget expenses in my blog for your references. After confirmed with the flight ticket, i've started to look for interesting places to visit, popular attractions, accommodation and transportation. Those are the main things that i will be looking for when preparing for travelling. I've searched and read various information and blogs to update about that particular country. Then, 2 to 3 months before going to Perth, we applied an ETA visa. Malaysian need to apply a visa if wanted to visit or stay in Australia and it is compulsory. For your information, it is not easy to apply Aussie Visa. Their government will fully check our details and previous countries that we had visited. If you own a new passport, the possibility of your visa to be approved is difficult. But, if you are a frequent traveler and your passport is active, it is not hard to get the visa approval in 24 hours. Aussie visa is very affordable, so don't worry guys. Well, we managed to get our visas in 1 day. It was such a relief to know that our visas to Aussie had been approved. We applied our visas from local tourism agent and the visa is very cheap. Actually, you can apply Aussie visa through the Australian government website but the price is expensive and it is in AUD (australian dollar). So, to cut the travelling expenses, we applied the visa from local agent only...damn cheap and fast respond! The approval of ETA visa to Aussie was send through email and we need to print the visa and presented with our passport during boarding.

The preparation to go to Perth were smooth and steady. I surveyed and booked a car from a guy from Perth by Whatsapp after i've done reviewed his customer's feedback. It was cheap! i think he has the cheapest and easiest car rent to deal with. I also did managed to book an apartment for our accomodation in Perth. Guess what?? I've got the CHEAPEST deal of an apartment near the centre of Perth CDB. AWESOME right! Yeahhh... The apartment comes with 1 queen bed, 1 single bed, a double-decker bed, a toilet with bathtub, a kitchen, a balcony, a TV, a refrigerator, a microwave, toaster, and you can cook in the apartment too. DAMN AWESOME!! Okay, alright. We packed all our stuffs and we also brought some food supplies and medicines. All food and medicines that we brought must be listed and printed out to make a declaration after the arrival at Perth's airport. This is very important to make sure that all stuffs that we bring are legal and appropriate or else we will get a penalty. So, remember guys to declare your stuffs. We went to KLIA airport from Senai International Airport, JB. The ticket was RM12 each for one way. Super cheap!!! Lucky me to find out cheap ticket for us. We reached to KLIA around 30 minutes. Our flight was at 12 midnight. It tooks 5 hours to reach to Perth, Australia. I went to Perth, Australia on November 2019 for 5 days with my family. Of course, we were so excited because this the first time for us to go to Western country as a bagpacker. 

Here the journey begins! We arrived at Perth airport around 7 am when we reached the main entrance after we've done all the customs & immigration thingy. I bought an Optus simcard which is affordable and worth. Then, we waited for our car rent at the main entrance because i've dealed with the owner to pick us around 8 am. So, we waited him for 40 minutes. My sisters and aunt went to washroom while me and my friend waited near the main entrance door. Something strange happened to them. Actually it was unpredictable. They got lots of chocolates, few boxes of chocolates! At first, they were a bit scared and unsure to take the gifts, but seems that Indonesian woman insist, they took those chocolates. I think her luggage was overloaded and she couldn't settle the additional cost of luggage. So, she gave the chocolates that she bought to us for FREEEEE. Freeee!! My sisters and aunt took the chocolates and said thank you to her. That was the first cool moment that we got after our arrival. We waited for our car rent until 8 am and finally here he comes. He is an Indonesian guy that live in Perth for many years. Pretty easy to deal with him. The car fuel was already full tank by him. I rented a Toyota Wish car that could fit 6 people in it. Yeah, we can use Malaysia car license in Australia. Don't worry, our license is accepted because the driver side is in right side too. After that, i took the car key. At first i'm a bit nervous to drive in this country because i've read in several blogs said that the traffic and summons in Aussie is very strict. But, why not to have a new experience to drive in other country. Then, i proceed to drive and get out from the airport.

It was 12 degree celcius and it was a spring season in Perth. Mostly in Perth i drove the car. It was a bit weird to drive in new country. I found that the road, signage and situation were a bit different. Although the driver side is same as in Malaysia but it is different when you drive a car in other country. Along the journey while driving the car, i saw a lot of things. The surrounding of Perth is nice. The people who drive a car are stick to the rules and appropriate. I could see a tramp or train in the middle of highway. Yes, the train railway is located at the middle of road/highway. It's kinda odd. There are not many trees at the highway. Mostly the plants are like desert plant, covered with sand and cactus, which is short, grouping and tot plants. In my point of view, Perth is seems like a desert thousand years ago because i can see the surrounding is seems like desert that have been upgraded. Overall, i enjoy the scenery and the places that i saw. Guess what, i used Google Maps as a guide to our destinations in Perth. It is easy and understandable to drive in Perth based on Google Maps. You also can use Waze to show your way. But i prefer to use Google Maps. Alright, the first attraction that we were going to visit was Caversham Wildlife Park Australia. It is the famous zoo in Australia and a must to visit when you come to Perth. It is very near to Perth airport around 10 minutes. 

The tentative of Perth's trip started at Caversham. I've choose to visit Caversham first rather than check in to our apartment because Caversham is located very near to the airport. So, it will be a brilliant time to visit Caversham after touchdown Perth. We ate the free chocolates that we got as our breakfast in the car. We didn't plan to go to any restaurant to have our breakfast because it might affect other plans. Caversham is so big. We need to spend half day to explore the park. We can eat for later. Besides, chocolates are enough to recover our energy...LOL! Caversham Wildlife Park opened at 9am. But we had arrived early at 8.30am. We were amazed with the park surrounding. It was so nice. We parked our car at the Caversham parking lot and it's free. We rested and took a nap in the car because we were a bit early to arrive. Then, after a few minutes later, my sister, my friend and I get out from the car to see the area. The parking lot is near to a-garden-bushes-kinda-thing. We walked nearby and we found a few of kangaroos there. They were walking and jumping freely while eating the plants. We did see baby kangaroo (joey) in her mother's pouch. The surrounding was very beautiful and colourful due to the spring season. We took alot of beautiful flowers photos. Around 9am we get out from car and went straight to the ticket entrance to line up to buy tickets. For your information, there are a lot of animal attractions in this park such as Kangaroo Park, Wombat & Friends, Quokka, Penguin, Molly's Farm, Meet The Koala, Farm Show and many more. Those were the attractions that we've visited and explored. We spend time around 4 hours at Caversham. The best part is i got to hold & touch koalas and playing & feeding with kangaroos. And guess what, i did touch the Wombat too. It was so big and little bit lazy. It looks like a pig though but in brown colour. That were the most exciting thing to do when i came to Perth, to see wombat, koala and kangaroo. We took many photos there. I think it was a perfect timing to come early to Caversham Park because there were not many visitors and we can feed the animals happily. So, i would like to advice you to come early to Caversham if you wanna enjoy the park and animals there. Then, we drove to take our lunch at Chicken Charcoals Dianella. Finally, the delish treat that i'm waiting for. It is the most famous restaurant among tourists who comes to Perth. It is a must to eat lamb grill at the restaurant. Super duper delicious!! The lamb shank, sweet bbq lamb ribs and spicy portuguese chicken must try! We ate alot because we were damn hungry. The food were so good and delicious with tonnes of joy while eating them. The location is near to CBD Perth and our apartment. There are 3 Chicken Charcoal Dianella restaurants around Perth but we choose a restaurant that is nearby our apartment. After made our tummy happy, we checked in to the apartment. It is near the centre of CBD and a few blocks away from Kings Park. This apartment also is located near to the bus stop. So, if you prefer to use public transportation i would like to recommend to stay in this apartment because you can easily get any public transport here, especially bus. We checked in around 3pm, took a nap and rest. We were so tired and sleepy and decided to rest in the apartment. It was a pleasant and comfortable. The apartment is beside the busy road and a bridge which is connected to CBD Perth. You can just walk across the bridge to go to the city centre. Cool! It was a spring season and we could see beautiful & colourful flowers by the road and around the apartment.

After took an hour nap in the apartment, we took a shower to get ready for a tour at CBD Perth. We planned to go to Murray Street, a famous street among tourist which have various attractions such as malls, outlets, famous hot spot - Commonwealth of Australia's building which also contains post office, the fountains and etc. We walked from our apartment to the Murray Street by crossing the bridge beside the apartment. We really enjoyed the view, buildings and the weather while walking. We took some photos and cool videos. A lot of their citizens prefer to walk too. We wanted to find the Chemist Warehouse and Lush store. Before going to Perth, i already surveyed the price of Lush products and i've noticed that it is more worth it to buy the product at Perth. The price is way much cheaper yo! AND forsure, the Chemist Warehouse too. It is a must when you come to Perth to walk in the Chemist store because the perfumes, skincare, supplements, fragrances and etc are super cheap. Murray Street is a busy street with various of outlets, branded stuffs and you also can find the famous Target too. Of course we went to all the places that i mentioned just now. You can see some talented people along the street to perform their skills such as singing, dancing, magicians and many more. We've enjoyed so much. We also found other tourists from other country who were very friendly to us. My family and i were hanging out at the fountain near the Commonwealth building. A moment later a couple from UK smiled and say hello to us. We're chit chatting for awhile and talk about the purpose of our visit to Perth. They were very friendly. They planned to stay 2 weeks in Australia. I'm glad and happy that while i'm travelling i could find new friends too. After done with the chitchat, we proceed to go to Lush store to buy some stuffs there. Guess what, we bought so many Lush products such as bath bombs, soaps, lotions, masks, skincares and candles. They are super cheap compared to Lush store at Malaysia. Later, we went to shop at Target. We bought some clothes, shoes, chocolates and snacks which don't have in Malaysia. Enough with the shopping, we felt hungry and we went to Ispa Kebab. How come can we know this stall? Well, all places, attraction, restaurants had been listed and arranged precisely by me. Ispa Kebab is at Murray Street. It is Halal and the food are delicious. We bought 4 types of Kebabs and fries. Holly grail!! THE FRIES WERE SO DAMN DELICIOUS AND BIG! We've never taste this type of fries in life before. You guys should try the fries at Ispa Kebab. TASTE AMAZING! Then, after fueled up the stomachs, we went to London Court. It is located at Hay Street which is near to Murray Street. This place is so magical. In my opinion, it looks like Diagon Alley from Harry Potter's movie! Yeah guys, seriously!!! You will never know and never noticed this area if you didn't do a proper study about travel to Perth. This place is a bit hidden place from people's view. You need to seek and walk inside different buildings to finally arrive to London Court. The surrounding and building design are awesome with various of unique shops. We took alot of photos here. We really enjoyed the view. Almost 7pm, we get a move to our apartment. It tooks about 15 minutes of walking to reach to our apartment. After arrived the apartment, we kept all our shopping stuffs at room and grab the car keys to go to Woolsworth. Woolsworth is same like Target and K-Mart. Actually we also went to K-Mart too because it is just beside the Woolsworth. We bought alot of food, chocolates, bread and snacks there. Those food are cheap and reasonable. When we shopped at Woolsworth, we got a free banana too. Yah, the hypermarket provide free bananas everyday for children but of course we took the opportunity to take the free banana too...LOLL!!! I bought some chocolates, bunch of strawberries (it is so cheap, 1 box for 2 dollars only!) and yogurts. I found the Chobani yogurt and it is only 1 dollar each! Sooo cheapppp!! I bought 6 of them with several flavours because i love the taste of Chobani yogurt..yummsyyy! To let you guys know, we are done for the shopping spring plan. A useful tips for you guys, PANDORA, LUSH, TYPO, SMIGGLE and TARGET is where you can find cheaper stuffs price compared to Malaysia. Enough with the shopping. We arrived to our apartment around 9.30pm. We took a bath, sorted out all the shopping stuffs, re-arranged, ate for supper and went to bed. The next day is an adventure day ever *excited*.

We worked up early in the morning around 5.30am. Guess what? It's sunrise and bright sky at 5.30am. We were quite astonished by the weather there. It was so cold but the sun shines brightly. I could see many cars in the highway from our balcony. Those were on the way to their office or workplace..a little bit of traffic jam early in the morning. Our plan for today are trip along Indiana Ocean to Nambung, Pinnacles Desert, Cervantes, Lobster Shack and Lancelin Sandunes which takes whole day full of activities. We took a bath and had a breakfast in the apartment. Then, get ready for our next journey. The journey started at 8.30am. My friend drove the car for today. Actually she was not feeling well but she insisted to drive the car. The first thing to do before proceed the destination was fill up the car fuel. There are many types of petrols in Perth. We choose to use RON92 because it is way cheaper than other RONs. The procedure to fill up car fuel is different from Malaysia. This is quite interesting. First, we need to fill up the fuel that we need based on how many dollars or litres we wanted, then we paid the price at pump station caunter according to the petrol pump metre. At first, it's a bit awkward for us but we get over it. Our journey to Pinnacles Desert took us 2 hours & 20 minutes drive. It is such a pleasant morning to drive and see the beautiful nature of Perth along the road. The highway is full of trees and beautiful natures. Sometimes, i could see animals, sheeps and many more along the road. For your information, we are encourage to turn on car lamp as a hint during daylight when driving along the highway due to animals that crossing or passing the road. Besides that, you also could see several animal's signboard along the road too such as kangaroo, ostrich and koala. I never feel bored along the journey because of the surroundings. I could see sandunes, ocean, animals, unique trees, open field grassy area and kinda-desert-view area. The sun shines beautifully on that day. The road was pretty empty. The journey was mind blowing. The highway that we took is near to the Indiana Ocean. We enjoyed the blue ocean view along the journey so much!! Just imagine, how do you feel to drive a car with the ocean view beside you? AWESOME FEELING EVER. We arrive to Pinnacles almost at 11am which is located in Nambung National Park. We were so excited. We entered the desert after done paying the ticket for car entrance. 1 ticket per passenger vehicle is needed..that's all. Then we proceed to drive our car to see the Pinnacles Desert. It was kinda different feeling because the view and surrounding seems from another planet. It is the most unique and fascinating natural landscape i've ever seen! Various of wavy, limestone spires and crooked types of rocks there. We could feel different vibes there, maybe like moon-or-Mars-planet thingy vibes. Those are unique formation of rocks been discovered million years ago. We took a lot of photos and videos while enjoying the view. We parked our car and stop by to Pinnacle's High Peaks from the Chaparral trail head parking area. From that point of view, you could see the beauty of Pinnacles Desert. We spend around 1 1/2 hours in this desert. The desert is sooo yellowish because of the yellow sand colour. 

Then, we continued the journey to Cervantes, Perth. It is at the North of Nambung Park. The main reason we planned to go to Cervantes is because of the famous Lobster Shack. It took about 20 minutes to reach to Cervantes. Cervantes is more to country-side-theme area. The place is neat and calmly area which surrounded by ocean view. The open blue ocean view was the best! It feels like heaven!! I'm quite astonished to see the view. It's lunch time. Well i guess the timing is perfect for us to grab our lunch at Lobster Shack. You guys should try to eat at this restaurant for the fresh and delicious seafood, especially the lobster, fish, crab and prawn. We've tried 3 main dishes of this restaurant and we not regret. The food were superb and fresh! I really enjoyed eating the lobster, fish, lobster mix fish burger, fresh fries, fruit juices and fish&chips dish. Those are mouth watering dishes and i'm glad i tried. We were so full and thanked the good dishes. We're happy with the food and we recommended for you guys to come to this place. The restaurant is just near to the blue ocean. You can step outside from the restaurant and easily reach the jetty. You also can see the big blue ocean and seagulls there. I took a video and picture of one seagull that sitting on the jetty. Luckily it was a good white seagull that didn't fly away while i'm photo shooting with it...LOLL~ That area have wonderful and colourful big umbrella and sea-bed-laying-thingy thing so that we can relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery while wearing a sunglass or beach hat with a glass of fresh juice. Cool right. We rested and played around for awhile before proceed to the next destination. The next destination required an energetic spirit. We went to Lanceline Sandunes. The popular attraction in Perth due to the white sand that covered around this area or should i call it as white desert..Yeah. It is located around 40 minutes from Lobster Shack and 25 minutes from Pinnacles Desert. Do not get confuse with these deserts. Lanceline has white sand while Pinnacles has yellow sand. The first thing to do is to rent a sand boarding. We rented at Lucky 7 convenience store near to Lanceline Sandunes around 7 minutes. They are various types of sand board based on your capabilities. But we choose the beginner one. They gave us a sand boarding and a wax stick. They also explained to us on how to use the wax stick and sand boarding. The wax stick is supposed to be applied zigzag direction in horizontal manner at the back of the sand board before sand boarding to have a smooth and easy boarding/surfing thingy. You wouldn't need any entrance ticket to go to Lanceline Sandunes. It is free of charge. You can enter the sandune area with your own vehicle but becareful not to choose sandy road because your tyres might sink in the sand. We spend time there around 2 hours. Jaw dropping to see the beautiful white sand, big white sandunes everywhere and those were all white. I climbed at the peak of white sandunes. It was so high and it was very windy. I might fall down due to the strong wind. At the top of the peak, i could see the blue Indiana Ocean guysss!!!! Mind blowing. So gorgeous. All you need is, you need to have guts and strong enough to climb the sandune peak so that you can enjoy the gorgeous view. We choose the highest sandune to play sand boarding or sand surfing. Actually there are couples of other activities there such as ATV ride, sand boarding learning and scrambler ride across the sandunes. If you have more budget you can try all the activities. Me, my sisters and aunt did sand boarding on the white sand many times. We willing to climb up and down several times to enjoy our sand boarding to the fullest. We took a lot of photos and videos together. That was the best experience ever to be able to sand boarding on the famous sandunes in Australia. You guys should try it too and put on your bucket list. Sadly, my friend didn't joint us because she's not feeling well. She waited and watched us from the car only. At 4.30pm we decided to get a move and return the sand board. The important tip when travelling to Perth is, you need to go back early from your long journey before the sunset to have a safety drive because those animals are usually active after sunset to midnight. So, it is not encourage for you to travel during that time. I drove the car to go back to our apartment as soon as possible before sunset with the legal speed limit on highway. We were very tired but enjoyed so much. My friend, sisters and aunt slept in the car while i'm driving to reach to our apartment. After reach the CBD Perth, well of course i'm a bit lost because of the silly Google Maps. I went to wrong direction but nevermind. Actually i brought them to see the Optus Stadium, Perth. Yeah guys, my Google Maps showed the different direction and finally brought me to that stadium. So, we took this opportunity to take some photos there..HAHAH! That stadium is where Taylor Swift did her concert tour last month yaw!! Well at least we get to see that stadium. Finally, we reached around 7pm to the apartment and felt exhausted. We took a bath and rest for awhile before went to dinner. At 8.30pm, we drove to Insan's Cafe. This restaurant serves Malaysian cuisines. Of course the prices are in AUD and a bit pricey. We were very hungry and couldn't think which place to eat, so we go with the flow. The nasi goreng was delicious! Yummyyyy..and guess what, i asked the owner if she can exchange my AUD coins or not because i have a lot of AUD coins at the moment..LOLL...luckily she agreed...hihihi. After finished our dinner, we walked around the street and went into a small Chemist Warehouse near the cafe, nothing to buy, just wandering around, took some street photos, building photos (the architectures were quite awesome), and stop by in front of Curtin's University to feel like abroad-student-life-thingy when suddenly a couple came across us and said "hey u little bunny rabbit" to my niece..kinda funny tho because my niece is wearing a teddy bear costume due to the cold weather at night. After done with the dinner, we head off to the centre of CBD Perth to enjoy and feel the night view. We went to Bell Tower, Elizabeth Quay and had a night walk around the CBD Perth. The night view was so awesome with various of colourful lights. We took alot of photos and videos as memories. Then, we drove back to our apartment, rest and prepared for tomorrow activities which have more places to be visited.

Alright, we woke up late on the next day because we wanted to have a good and quality sleep after too much energy left out yesterday. We started our day at 9am. We had a little breakfast at our apartment. We ate Chobani yougurt (favorite), strawberries, Barista coffee (a must try), Dare (a must try), apricot, blueberries, chips, nuts and PopTartz (favorite). We ate simple breakfast on that day because we wanted to grab nice lunch at great restaurant later. The daylight planned were Fremantle Market, E-shed Market, Rainbow Container, Round House, Kailis' Fish Market, Chemist Warehouse Fremantle, Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour, Round House, Blue Boat House and Kings Park & Botanic Garden. Ohh, by the way, all Fremantle markets and shops only operates on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 5pm. So, please plan your trip to Fremantle  carefully because it close on weekdays. The journey to Fremantle from our apartment is around 20 minutes. The first stop was E-shed Market which is located at Victoria Quay. The E-shed Market is opposite to the port of Victoria Quay in Freemantle Harbour, means that we could see an ocean view, ships, boats and yachts of the quay. We took some photos and parked our car. After paid the parking metre fee, we went straight to E-shed. It is known as the best waterside market and enjoy the sounds, sights, action, flavours and colours. E-shed Markets is located in  magnificient historical warehouse building which is a stone's throw away from Fremantle Railway Station, WA Maritime Musuem and Rottnest ferry terminals. Some tourist also use a train or buss from CBD Perth to come to Fremantle area. There are alot of handicraft stores, foodcourt and antique stuffs been sold there. We bought a couple of things there. Those are very uniques. AFter that, we enjoyed the view of the Victoria Quay and continued to Rainbow Sea Container. It is 5 minutes away from E-shed. You can see the Rainbow Sea Container from the side of a road. It is the most favorite spot form instagrammer shots and it is a must to visit if you come to Perth. It is a fun art installation made from sea containers at the mouth of the Swan River. It is located between the bridges at Beach Reserve overlooking the Fremantle Port means that it is opposite of an ocean view. I am so excited to come to this hotspot area. We were very lucky because the weather is great and no tourist there which is pretty much easy for us to enjoy the photo shooting. The design of the container is so colorful and nice. We took some videos and photos here.  Me and my sisters also took videos of the port's view too. Yeahh because we love ocean and bluey-water-thingy. Next, we went to Fremantle Market the most famous area to visit in Perth. It is 5 minutes away from the Rainbow Container. Fremantle Market comes with famous international food, music, local handicrafts, antiques & collectables, warm aroma of a coffee, delicious delicacies & cakes and more than 150 unique stalls which sells many kind of stuffs. It is an old historical building which is converted to public market. A lot of uniques sourvenirs to bring home. I found several unique shops there such as natural soaps store, the Honeycake shop, Roogenic tea made from Australian plants, timber craft shop, unique design of boomerang shop and candies & chocolates shop. But, if you wanna buy cheap sourvenirs to bring home, you can head off to Megabes Malaga shop. I recommended you to buy sourvenirs from this shop. It is very cheap and you can get many choices of stuffs there, from keychains, t-shirts, sweaters, mugs, bags, towels, caps and others. Guess what? I spend alot of dollars there...LOLL! I bought a sweater, magnets, boomerangs, keychains, tea towels and coasters. Of course my family and friend spends a lot too..hahahh!! After done with the sourvenir's shopping we went to the fruit stalls in the market. We bought some strawberries, peaches and blueberries. I think we ate alot and lots of strawberries and blueberries while staying in Perth! *big grin* Those strawberries were big, ripe and juicy to eat. Then, we proceed to have our lunch at Kailis Fish & Chips Cicerelloo Fremantle. Kailis is a local favorite that sells delicious fish and chips and seafood platters. The famous restaurant in Fremantle area. The serving sizes are quite generous & big and in my opinion, i recommend sharing the seafood platter and fish & chips platter to try out the variety of dishes they have offer. This restaurant is located at harbour and if the weather is clear & cloudy do grab a seat overlooking the harbour and dig into some of the freshest seafood you'll ever have. So of course we've tried the fish & chips menu and we felt satisfied enough with the food. After finish our lunch, we went to the biggest Chemist Warehouse at Fremantle. As been mentioned before, this shop sells various type of products, high end brands and other brands from skincare, fragrances, supplements, bodycare and healthcare with lower price than retails. We bought bottles of perfumes (Burberry, Dior, Versace and YSL) and supplements from the warehouse. We also met a friendly Malaysian girl works as promoter there who actually just got Aussie PR. She entertained us and helped us with the products. We felt tired and exhausted. We spend hours and hours around the Fremantle area. Fremantle is such a lovely place with beautiful buildings and architecture. Our next destination is Round House Fremantle build in Swan River Colony. It is the oldest and most historical building in Western Australia. It has a spectacular view because near to the seaside. Besides that, it has an interesting spot to look at which is the outrageous Yellow Round Shape line or optical illusion artwork across several building and street opposite the Round House. Stretching from the tip of the Fremantle Town Hall clock tower to the foot of the Round House, odd scraps of yellow have been appearing on the historic buildings of High Street. We're only spend half an hour there and head back to CBD Perth. 

We're done with Fremantle and 2 more attractions need to go but first we need to go back to our apartment to keep all our shopping's stuffs and freshened up. We rested for 40 minutes and quickly get ready to see the sunset and enjoyed the golden hour. The 2 final attractions for that day were Blue Boat House and Kings Park & Botanic Garden which is very very near to our apartment, just a few blocks away. The clock showed almost 5pm. It's a good time to start the car engine to go to Blue Boat House first. We planned to have a picnic at Kings Park while watching the sunset. So we prepared and packed along some snacks and drinks. The Blue Boat House can be seen from the road side located on the Swan River at Crawley in Perth. It is opposite the road, so means that you can see the boat house when you are driving. This place is a hot place and instagrammable spot for tourist who come to Perth. This little blue shed is free of charge. Anyone can stop by to take a photo there but do not park your car at this road or you'll get the penalty ticket. You can park your car for awhile across the road at nearby condominium area and walk across the road because the boathouse is opposite the condominium only. But just for awhile okay.. The safest car park is at the sailing club but it takes few minutes to walk. Then, we went to Kings Park Garden which is only 5 minutes away from the boathouse. The park is soo soooo bigggg! I think it needs half day to explore the park. Kings Park is one of the world largest and most beautiful inner city park. Me and my family were amazed with the beautiful entrance of the park, the beautiful scenery and stunning views of Perth city. We enjoyed our sunset picnic overlooking the city, stroll through the gardens and see beautiful wildflowers due to spring season. That is why the Kings Park also known as Botanic Garden. It also contains memorials & honour avenues. I got to see the State War Memorial Cenotaph, the peaceful Flame of Remembrance within the Pool of Reflection and Court of Contemplation too. We went to the famous Kings Park viewpoint to see the overall beauty of Perth city and enjoyed our sunset picnic there. That was such an awesome and precious moment to be remembered. We were so happy to experience the beauty of sunset there, feels like live on top of the world! Oh ya, don't forget to climb the DNA Tower in this park. Worth a try to see nice view from the top of the tower. We took some photos, selfies and videos there. I would never forget this moment. It so calm, full of beauty and appreciate the God's creation with beloved people. We went back to our apartment quite early around 6.30pm because my niece cried out loud there. Maybe she's felt uncomfortable at the moment. So we packed our stuffs and went back straight to home. We cleaned and freshened up before go for dinner. We took a dinner at 9pm in Insan's Cafe. Yah this was the second time we went there. We ate simple dishes and went back to apartment. It was the last day of our trip to Perth. Our flight to Malaysia on 6.30am. Probably we need to get ready around 4am and parked the rent car in the airport with a picture of its location so that the owner will easily recognize and pick up the car later.

To me, a trip to Western Australia was wonderful and full of adventures as a backpacker and a car driver. I really loves the vibes and environment there. Cool experiences ever. Discover the beauty of Perth, clean city, beautiful ocean and awesome nature were such a pleasure. The best moment was to drive a car while enjoying the Indian Ocean view. MIND BLOWING!! We enjoyed and thanked to God to give us the opportunity to see Perth. More bagpackers trip to go because we love travelling alot! 

Stay tuned for my travel itineraries, tips and budgets from various bagpacker trips that i've been visited. Happy travelling guys!

p/s: Checkout my travelling photos in


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