For You

 I love my jobs. I'm not that kind of girl who would post or share about my work and occupation to public. But you know what, i am really proud of my career. This is what i am and what i wanna be since i'm in primary school. My dad is my inspiration for who i am now. Once, he asked me, what is my ambition. Yeap the answer never change once. Till now i am currently working same as my ambition before. The best memory with him is when everytime i finished  my school day, he would picked me by his motorcycle and brought me to a place where i will always remember who would i be in future.

Yes, i did it dad! I am what i want to be. I work hard and smart at the same time. I do 3 in 1 jobs, as a permanent staff, a part time staff and businesswoman. I hope you will always be proud of me although you are faraway now. I've never forget about you. I am who i am now because of what i choose to be. That's the reason why i didn't bother to post or share about my daily works or my achievements because i do & did all of those things not to impress anyone. I did that due to my own choices, decisions, interests and satisfactions. I don't even care if people gonna talk shit about what i'm doing. It doesn't affects me once. Never.

If people out there still wondering what am i doing in my life, i would say I AM JUST BEING ME! If any of you couldn't tolerate or accept my doings, you can just focus on your own life. It will be much better *eyes rolled*


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