Half Year Work Progress

Finally we are at the half year of 2022. It seems like time is moving so fast. Another half year is gone and we only left another half year before we start our new year. 

What have you guys have achieve for this half year? 

What have you done? 

What is accomplished? 

What is still pending?

Are you still on the track to chase & grab your dream or off the track?

I bet some of you are still working out to fulfill your dream and maybe some of you are struggling to make it happen. No rush guys. Just take your time to manage all things at once. There are some people who needs time to get what he/she wants. But don't loose hope. Your effort and sacrifice are being counted. Nothing is wasted if you work hard in a thing that you dream of. Stay on track and control your mind to be strong to achieve your goals. 

Never give up, keep on growing and move forward towards your dream. I've done pretty much things in this half year. I never bored with my job and my tasks. I'm happy and enjoy my works. For me, my  job is like my passion and i never get bored of my passion eventhough i have to face some obstacles along the journey. It's just part of the game of life. Get prepared, solve it and survive. If you love of what you are doing right now, you should be thankful to feel that way.

For your information, I just finished the tender submission that have been given to me on the last minute. My whole day and previous day were all about tender preparation and submissions. It was a last minute tender submission that my company headquarters have requested me to handle it. I receives the tender information on June 14th 2022 and the due date was on June 17th 2022. I had a hectic life during my tender submission progress because i have to deal it together with my current site project too. I have lists of shop drawings, RFI and RFA to be submitted to client & consultants, several RFAs to be revised according to their comment & requirements which need to be submitted as soon as possible. Guess what, i need to allocate few hours to complete my current project and put aside the tender submission because my client have been chasing me several times regarding my project work. What a busy life i have had but i enjoyed it. Sometimes, i feel my head gonna explode during the hectic week. Then, the headquarter requested me to prepare the tender presentation and i am the one who will present it in front of the developer, client & consultants. I only have 10 minutes to present the tender slides. So i've planned to share only the important information and methods to be done  in the tender project presentation. Just a simple and few slides yet packs & informative. During the presentation, the developer, client and consultants were happy with the outcome. Even the vice president of the development company congratulate me for the interesting presentation. What a relief! I happy and satisfied with my work. 

I also did other tender submissions for other projects before. You just need right time with right information and right contract to understand fully the entire purpose of the tender project. I've done several tender preparation and submission by myself. I prepare the master work program, methods, manpower & machineries plan, logistic plan and other documentations based on tender requirements. I guess i have familiarize with what they need in every tender submission. Except for the Bill of Quantities is done by the QS. Every technical submission is done by me. That is how i get prepared and submit on time eventhough i receive the tender in limited of time. But, i managed to finish it with satisfaction. Basically, half of the tender projects that i have been submitted were succeed well enough. Those meant a lot to me as to show my capabilities and contributions of what i can do.

I also involved in preparing method, drawing, designing and planning work project. Usually for project planning i will use the Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Project (master work program) while drawing or designing i will use AutoCAD (shop drawing & as-built drawing). I think these software are user friendly. I prepare the fortnightly progress report, attend every site meeting with client & consultants and present the progress outcome of the site work for every 2 weeks in front of them. My project also need to cooperate with other maincontractor too. In construction world, cooperation is needed to maintain and have smooth progress for each scope of work. Cooperate, communicate and team work are important.

Besides that, every year we have performance evaluation & presentation two times in a year to evaluate our work progress and performance in taking our work responsibility seriously. It will be evaluated by project manager,  head of department and headquarter. I've done the evaluation and i get great comments from them. My HOD is happy with my work from the start. That comment makes me happy too. When working in a professional company, gender or language barrier are nothing as long as you deliver your work & responsibility professionally and correctly. Every task is done according to standard,  requirements and understandable. A systematic of work can be achieved.

The key to have a smooth direction of work is to know and understand what you are doing and what you are capable of. Everything will be easy later. Trust yourself, learn everyday and upgrade yourself everyday. To get what you want need some sacrifices. This half year proof that actually i can get what i plan to achieve if i put an effort to it. Nothing is impossible. Yes nothing is impossible if you know what you are doing. 

Right now, i'm waiting the date for my next travel adventure. My travel adventure is back. The countdown is just started and couple months to go. I am so ready. YEAYYYY!!!



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