Akedemi Fantasia season 7 is over. The winner is Hafiz [peace], 1st runner-up is Aril [terbaik wOkk!!] , the 3rd is Akim [i'm yours], the 4th is Yazid [l0ng-term] n last but not least the 5th is Isma [Beware!!..]....haha.. Yeah2!! It's over~
They had showed the best performance for this season. They also did the best performance for the final consert. Especially a big applause for Akim's performance.. WhOa!!!
'asyik-masyuk' wo0... =] I think Akim should win that nite bcuz from zer0 for the 1st consert n become her0 for the finale..haha. This is wut we call transformation..rite?? Yeah2! Akim sang 2 song, Bencinta from Faizal Tahir n his 1st single tittle Bengang [like it the song so much!] I think Akim is the best performance last night. For ur information, i am a big fan of Afiq Akim bin Ahmad.. I knew it hafiz will win this competition...hmm mybe bcuz he has a big fanz...mybe la~~ But i believe that Akim n Aril will shine more than the winner. Yup of cuz...we'll see it.
Yazid n Isma not bad at all... what ever it is Akim deserve to win for that finale but itz ok. He will become more famous after this. GO bRO! ....Peace yaw!!~
There are some pictures from AF7. Sweets n memorable...EnjOy~~

Sumtime reality show can spend our leasure time wisely.. Furthermore, we also can get sum benefit from it. Especially for people who dream to be a superstar,singer or fam0us they can have sum information from this show. We can learn how to be a good singer, exercise your mouth before sing such as bubbling or hissing, learn how to dance, be wut u wanna be n bla....bla...bla.....~~ hehehe =D
What ever it is, the moral of the story, dun't be shy or afraid to try sumthing new cuz sumtime it can transform u to be better than before. Right?? ya..ya! So, go on n try to archive ur dream n never let anyone spoil ur dream. Mybe ur dream may come true~ I hope so. Ganbatte kudasai!!!
Hmm...i think this is new for me...but weird sumhow
p/s: sing a song n make it as ur own song...itz ok.
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