NIKE>> just do it!!.....

Week ago i had lost my fav nike shoe. ArgGhhh!!!! SENGALLL!!!... such a stupid stealer!!.. juz wanna kick her **** i’ve lost it in my college..huhuhu~~
I'm in a shocked when i saw that my nike is gone..hah!! wut the hell!!! Is it a DREAm or reAL-real-reaL man...argHhhh!!! I juz wanted to wear my fav nike to go to take my Material & Structural interview buTTttttt i couldn't believed this kind of things would happened??? cried>>..."mUMMyyyy!!!...i've lost my nike" huhuhu... For a long time i take a gud a care of my nike shoe but now....hmm...some crazy stupid bad itchy-itchy hand with "seLAMBERnyer" to0k it from me without my permission! Owhh man!! such a bad bad sTealER...get out fr0m this wORLd laHhh!!
If i knew who is the master mind of this, i would like to chop her HEAD,HANDS,FINGERS,ELBOWS n BITEZ HER EARS so strongggg!!!! Wahahahahaha....hah! For ur information, dats shoe means a lot for me. Hope can see u dear. I got it from my beloved aunt. Why dis must happen 2 me??? Why?? Why?? Why???!! BRING IT BACK TO ME...PLEASSSEEEEE~~Or is it kinda conspiration to let me down??? Huuuh.....~~

Miz my nike soOooo much...hope will see u again dear n dream bout u tonight.. heee~ =)
p/s: inform me if u've seen it...arigatou gozaimasu


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