
Maybe its been a l0ng time to be in silent. WEll, as u all dunt kn0w, so much things came up in my life rite n0w. Things dat i neva thought bef0re, n0thin bUt mybe sumthin, [ting..ting....ting] Hmm...h0pe dat i can thr0w wuteva i want. But, h0w if the wutevA things effect my life, what if i br0ke sum0ne heart? wut ab0ut pe0ple impressi0n on me?? wut ab0ut my hapiness? Sincerely, i really wanted t0 enj0y my life but now i think i'm n0t who i am now.. CONFUSED!!! what shOuld i do dude??? Sum0ne that hve g0ne 4 al0ng time wanted to c0me back. And n0w i dunt kn0w weather to accept 0r juz over it. Hey pe0ple, what will u d0 if there are 2 ch0ices n u only hve to choose only 1. What ab0ut if both choices r the best choices n u are afraid to loose them. So? Juz live them or make a choice? ArgHhhh...! Go away any d0ubth on anything. Face it n be str0ng. Let me think act n d0 wuteva i want cuz i dunt want to break my heart n pain my s0ul n feel regret 4 sumthin dat means n0thin. Watch out guyz out there!!! Dunt think that u can easily appr0ach me play with me or use sweets w0rds on me. Not interested. daa!!

Wanna share sumthin. You kn0w wut, actually i can be too kind n i can be too bad 4 u... HAHAHAHA... Outside maybe blur, kinda tingt0ng, s0ft, gud gurl but the inside can be too evil, like a stepm0ther or more than dat i think [huahuahua], hard, bad gurL, create great plan to impose other n bla..bla..bla.... Afraid? Itz ok.. But people who kn0w how to be sincere n kind to me they will get the same thing too.

I nevA noe what the future brings. But i will nevA turning back again. Keep m0ving forward as far as i can.. Make myself proud. Let go the passed n welc0me the beginning of winning. Run baby run f0rever will be [WE THE KINGS-check yes juliet].. What i want is there will be sumb0dy whO can be there when i need sumOne 2 talk to, sum0ne whO can keep me real n whO knows alwayz......alwayz n alwayz... Hmm..yesterday is over but 2morr0w still there. Grab the chances in fr0nt of u bef0re its too late babes!

So, juz wanna remind again, be gud n bad f0r the sake of life....!


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