I'm nOt weaK

do u kn0w what is LOVE?
do u ever in LOVE?
do u ever being LOVE?
do u really LOVE sum0ne that LOVE u?
theres many other questi0n alwayz been ask
d0es it ever being answered?
t0 get the answer u must through it....
LOVE actually sumthin that make u suffeR
suffer fr0m waiting, jelousy, answering...
d0n't try 2 LOVE if u are afraid of suffer
dunt say i LOVE u if u n0t really LOVE sum0ne
dUnt c0ntinue 2 give h0pe if u can't make it c0me true
dUnt play on sum0ne hearts cuz its hurting...
plan bef0re luving
cuZ it might leave a big scar once u br0ke his/her heart...
hmm..h0w dO i knOw??
mybe, my scar nOt recOvered yet
hOw i dunt believed in sweet words....
sweet pr0mises...
dUnt ever try to say sweet pr0mises n w0rds 2 me!
cuZ it means nothin to me....!!


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