The Best Friday 9.10.09


That day was the best n fun day fOr me..
So many excitment bebeh!!
The photoshOOt day
The open UTHM day
Maybe the gathering day toO..haha
Photoshoot is the best! For civil engineering student batch 07/08..
Started actually ar0und 9.00 a.m but all gather abOut 10.00 a.m
It was quite sunny day that day
The sun shine so bright as bright as our feeling that day
port: Dataran Siswazah
classmates: i think 43 student la..
photoshoOt style: formal n candid
the feel: really enjOy, fun tyme, excitment
best part: of cuz during candid babes!!
props: afrO, big specs, colOrful cowbOy hats, witch hat, rabbit ears, mOuse ears, n bla..bla..bla..
poses: very style la dude! hOp on hOp off..hahahaha
NevA 4get this m0ment
NevA 4get all my belOved fren in UTHM
I will treasure them all in my minD my heArt n My sOUL....
U lighT up my liFe with laughter n hapPIness
reALLy hope that we will never apart
alwayz togeTher n suCCess tOgether
cuz i afraid that can't fight the feeling withOut u guyz!!
Do hope that u neva 4get ur fren
N of cuz ME!!!
Frenz is everthin 2 me...
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