Floating Tower

Project is succeed. The tower floating. It's fun to build and design it. Juz like our real tower. For many weeks trying so hard to finish it n at last the tower is UP!!! Analysis structure is a coOL subject although it is difficult. Alrite, lets talk about the TOWER!!
This floating tower have been built to determine the tower that has the greatest efficiency. There is no difficulties while doing this tower. There are many materials that we used in this project. Such as plain straw, masking tape, sand container and cable thigh. All these materials have their own measurement.
Although, there are many troublesome while completing this project but we manage to solve them very well. To have a strong and stable tower, it must have a good support. Each structure play an important role and must place at the right position. So that, the centroid, centre of gravity, centre of buoyancy, buoyancy, and weight of the tower are in the stable condition.
Huhh!..i'm quite impress with our prOject! Today i'm going to present this pr0ject in fr0nt of my friends n lecturer. Hope that this t0wer will not sink or submerged...Hahahaha~ FLOATING TOWER HERE WE COME!!!!~
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