
UrgghHhh!!! Is it hard f0r pe0ple to understand us??? WHY!!!!! WHY????? Very fed uP with aLL this issue..Arghhh! I WANNA SCREAM OUT LOUD HERE!! CAN I...hmmm..~

Hey u ouT there! get OUT!! GET OUT!! get oUT!!!..hOw cOme u couldn't understand wuT i'm saying braDa!! Funky oFF!!!..ciSSS~ hOw many thOusand biLLion times must i said..huhhh!! sO pathetic u damn! PLEASEEEEEE GOOOOO AWAYYYYYYY.....

OMGGGGG!!!! huhhh..!!!! juz listen t0 wuT i said la..Pleaseeeee try t0 understand people arOund u.. c0me on bradA~ This is my finaL decisi0n! U SENGAALL.

Juz STAY AWAY FROM ME..urgGHhh! AND u knOw what..the very Very mOst i appreciate u then..hUH~


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