Coming Closer

Woi!! hahaha...dunno what to say in this blog. Cuz everytime i wanna say it lOud my words turn to be silent.. My finger can't tOuch this keybOard n my mind turn fr0st babes..hahh! Now, i juz say what i feel n what i thought. Bedal lah.. hmmm..mybe sumthin doesnt seem so right, right nOw. Sumthin i'm hOlding to has outlived it purpOse. Maybe its time to let it go. Figure it out soOn...alwayz havIng fun with ur feelings..FUN is FUN. NEVER say NEVER!!

Well, my semester break kinda over. Next week will be sumthin new fOr me..Hope so.

With new classes,

new subjects

new lecturers

new moOd

new life

n of coz NEW ME!!! ;)

The december 28th 09..welcOme back UTHM

These hOlidays means so much fOr me. I knOw people better. I knOw who my friends are. I will try to be good to peOple out there... Hmm ooo ya, plenty of unscrupulous people are out there, but well i'm too smart to let myself be duped by them. Once they hurt me, they going to regret soOn.. juz remind! i'm sl0w n steady persOn..weeee~ like that b0astful..hahaha~

This coming semester must gonna be w0nderfuL n meaningfuL to us. All i wanna say is "hey people! i will be myself n do whatever i feel wanna dO..Juz watch out peopLe". Be nice to me~~ ;P hahahaha!! Actually, i miss my friends a l0t!! They make c0lours on me...fOr sure babes! Neva feel bOred with them...hOt boys n hOt gurLs arOund me...whOa!!! great!! weee~~

See ya!


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