Business and Elegance

It is NOKIA E-series E72
New edition
The price is RM1000++
Good price comes with the good quality
It is METAL GREY...elegance!
I just bought it..abOut 1 month i had used it
It is functiOnal!!
I like the l0oks and it is slim AND modern design..
E72 is a high perfOrmance device tail0r-made for sleamess business and personaL communicatiOn
Hmm..this moment, i feel like i like the classy business styLe
It's look like very exclusive
Most of all, i really like the shape and the functions
Actually, this NOKIA E72 kinda the latest one
Just 3 month in the market
at last i gOt one! haha..
The coolest thing is i'm the technology maniac!!!
SOOooo..I enj0y surfing the internet everywhere..c0z WLAN is available
Enjoy quick access to my email while out or abOut
It has everything
Lots of applications pLus navigatiOns in this mobile phOne
You name it! ;)
I can view internet everywhere
do my YM, Gtalk, Hotmail, Yahoo n bla..bLAaa..bla..
I like the keypad thingyyy styLEeeee..!
Write message efficiently and comfOrtably using the compact QWERTYUIOP keybOard
Easy to type and very quick
Memory = 4GB
Pixel = 5.0MPix with Carl Ziess optics
250MB user disk space
It is the latest enhanced capablities for managing yOur life


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