Busy Like Bee

Time is preciOus
Everything we do because of time
Time will determine our journey
Just like couple hours juz n0w..i'm kinda busy with my works
After reached office, i have to prepare myself to get ready to work
Today, quite lots of work have to be done
And i was like insane..! hahaa~
Kind of dying with 'the' work man
1st==>i must complete the monthly progress report
2nd==> filling works experience recOrd's form
3rd==>completing the Health & Safety Workers's repOrt
4th==>went to constructiOn site to see the arrival of interlocking-blOck
5th==>anOther site visit to shOw the locatiOn of Banang River road upgrading 5km long
6th==>continue doing the monthly progress repOrt
Huhh...at last, all the jobs D.O.N.E!!! Yeahhhh...!
Today, i went back home a lil bit late because of the busiement thingy (what kind of wordy mo0dy wOrd is this??..me knOws~~)
TomorrOw gonna be the judgment day..haha..The ISO consultant will come and check the progress repOrt and hope that there will be no mistake at aLL..


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