Continued: #100 Facts About Me 2

52) I can speak japanese language..i've learned japanese until Level 2 out of 4
53) I do can coOk but i rarely cook
54) SpongebOb squarepants is my favorite
55) I can be very lazy and w0nt do anything
56) I like black, purple and yellow
57) I d0nt drink miLk...euwww~
58) I am in peace right n0w <3
59) I'm allergic with chicken
60) Some pe0ple keep saying if i'm wearing blusher on my cheeks l0oks red hah?? :P
61) My cellph0ne will in silent m0de while im sleeping..zZzzzzZZzzz
62) I went on starcruise ship once..splendid yaw! It was Aquarius Star Cruise *luckly the ship w0nt sink..hihii*
63) I went to Dubai once..AWESOMEEE!!!
64) Like to watch AFC channel, Masterchef, Nigella Bites, French Food At Home and etc
65) Actually, i have a lil pill0w or sh0uld i called as bantal busuk...hehe..since i was little ^^,
67) I wanna live in Saudi Arabia
68) My favorite show that i l0veeee to watch >> America's Next Top Model, Australia's Next Top Model & Keeping Up With The Kardashian
69) I'm a big fan of Harry Potter
70) I wear eyeliner since baby...actually it is not an eyeliner..its kinda black dust that pr0duce from a black stone..It went to process and become small2 black dust, then put it in a copper b0ttle and smear the dust on eyes. We only can get this from Mecca.. I wear it till n0w babe.
71) I dont tell secrets ;)
72) Pe0ple say that i lo0ks like a school girl..,,ouhh man!
73) I am watch out peeps
74) I like to stay at home rather than going out
75) Oscar Oasis on Disney Channel is really funny yaw!
76) In kindergarten, my teacher said that, i am a great dancer in the c0nsert and dance so well...of coz! *wink2 eyes*
77) I can play organ..have it at h0me. Its kinda music instrument. I kn0w n0tes and knows h0w to read it..I can play any song on organ by listening the n0tes..
78) I really damn hate lizard...kinda ph0bia with lizard

Kinda blur about myself right now..continue so0n~





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