Love Animals And They Will Love You Much More

surrounded by rabbits...lovely rabbits ;)
ouhhh....please give me th0se rabbits...PLEASE..~~ *begging*
you lazy...haha XD this hamster sleeps al0t u know...
hamster name's Shoban..It bel0ngs to my friend..but i take care of it once..cute kan! ;) but... :( Shoban gone already... :((
he is active and cute...heheh! This hamster also pee on my laptop once..naughty hamster! XD
It also belongs to my friend...she brought this hamster to my room to show me Really cute yaw...feel like wanna squeeze it..haha! :P These are the cutey mutey pets ever.. Arggghhh!! i l0ve to own them so0ooo much They're cute right?? Weeee~


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