The Designer Wanna Be

Fully exhausted..
enj0yed! ^^,
It has been 3 days of my internship
I never get really b0red or etc..hihii
Got lots of w0rk to do and need to be d0ne
Its splendid.. :))
well, engineer right..yeahh!
For this 3 days what did i do?

- using ESTEEM 8.0.549.0 (installed)
- design in AutoCAD 2012..the latest! (installed)
- introduction of ORION (didn't install)
*never used it before in my life...Orion is more advanced than Esteem 8...special f0r curve beams and etc..awes0me yaw!!!* 
- plan checking for RC Plan and Infra & Structure Plan
- Plan col0uring

Esteem 8.0.549.0

AutoCAD 2012..easy peasy la~~

 My name...i did it!! (HAJAR)-SERVER 2011

p/s: wanna do m0re... nyumm!! ;)


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