My Day My Life Not Yours

Well hello there w0rld!! I'm at h0me..Just finished my final examination. It is the end of 3rd year civil engineering student. So life will be much different. For your information, 22nd June 2012 was my last paper of 3rd year student. Kinda excited because the final year getting closer day by day but also nervous. Why leyy?? Because it might be the end of being a civil engineering student. I guess -.-" hahahh! But maybe i'm l0oking forward for Master of Civil Engineering..s0on guys! ;) Cuz i w0uld like to have an experience being an engineer first. Engineer is what i dream since i was a little kid.. When my father asked me, "what is y0ur ambition, dear?" then i said; "an engineer baba" *excited* :D So i think my wish came true...Thanks for all the support fam! xoxo..

Alright, lets straight to the point. Actually i just came back from KL and Kajang yesterday. We went there for 2 days. Spending some time with my relatives and family. It was awes0me yaw.. I also met two lovely cats. Owhhhhh..what can i say! Those cats are so0oooo so0ooo cute and sweet...pampered cats. Hihiii.. XD hmmm...if only i could have those cats. *dreamingggg* Is there any kindhearted people who willing to give me like those kind of cats... *dream again* The cats are Chikki n Chikko.. Chikki is black colour and it is a SHE...while Chikko is light ch0colate colour and it is a HE. Chikko is a pampered cat while Chikki kinda i-am-myself-behave-dont-disturb-me. Arr0gant cat la tuh! :P Yeahhh're rox! Most of the time i always with Chikko...cuz he is soooo cute DAMN CUTEeee and friendly i guess... But i love both. ;) 


p/s: x sempat snap chikki..asek lari2 je..penat kej0r.. -.-


Oh0kay..enough with cat's st0ry. Lets talk about my internship. Today is my 1st day of intership as an engineer...oppps! future engineer *hihiii...:D* Internship or industrial training is quite same as go to work. Internship can be describe as job training for white-collar or professional careers. Well of course a civil engineer is a professional career. Typically for college or university's students. I did my intership at a consultant company. Very awes0me..i've started to like it. It is T.P.Tay Consultant Engineer and Teknireka Architecture. This c0mpany is one of the most influential company in Batu Pahat. Let me introduce to you some background of the company. It is located at Batu Pahat of course... :))) TPTCETA handle alot of pr0ject not only in Johor but various states and overseas. Recent overseas project that i Thailand and Singapore. Hmm quite impressing. Basically, i dont really care or obsesses with h0w many project they handle or get. The most important thing is i wanna learn something new. Cause life as a student and life as a w0rker is very big differences. During my Diplomme studies, i've done my internship at a contract0r company. So, for this semester as a Bachelor of Civil Engineering student, forsure i would like to have some new experience and new environment. That's why i make eff0rts to find a consultant company. I will try to get what i want. Finally, i g0t it..yehaaaa!! *after so much effort hve been d0ne..huhhh~~ p0yoooo*

I will be at TPTCETA company for 10 weeks. It went well. Hope that i can gain lots of kn0wledge and nice experiences at there. For now, the staffs are nice to me. The big BOSSes are really nice *got 2 bosses Ar. Professional-boss (MIEM) and Ir. Professional-boss(MIEM)* and d0es not difficult to share knowledge so do the staffs. Tomorrow will be another day of internship. Must turn to be so great..



Get ready for my next update.. <3



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