4th Year Student

Welc0me to 4th Year of Civil Engineer student. Huhh! It's been a week and no time to rest eventhough the timetable of this semester is not so pack at all. This year g0nna be the final year for me. I am going to face the incredible pr0ject of all. The Final Year Project or PSM (Projek Sarjana Muda). Actually i'm not prepare yet the project that i wanna do. But, i do have some list to be discuss with my supervisor, Dr. Adnan. Lil bit nervous because it will be my own pr0ject yaw! hahaa... Dont know what's going to happen next. Im majoring in Geotechnic. So supp0sed that my final year project will be related to geotechnic. So0n...soon....next week i must try to set a meeting with my supervisor. It is a MUST!!

The 1st week of class is usually chaos. Of course the timetable pr0blem will be an issue, especially the timetable arrangement. It’s happening to me. My majoring subject, Geotechnic, clashed with the Steel & Timber subject. I need to choose another section so that I can attend to Steel & Timber class with no problem. And forsure, the pr0blem solved. Lucky me! Thanks GOD. For this semester i need to take 7 subjects:

Actually, for the Mandarin Language, it is not a compulsory cause i've already to0k foreign language during my diplomme that is Japanese Language Level 1 and Level 2. But, i want to learn Mandarin too. Many times i've tried to go to Mandarin class but it usually end bad cause the subject will clash with other subjects. SO, for this final year, i actually get it. I've succeed to go to Mandarin class. I didnt know all students in the class. I am the only 4th year student who take this class. I don't care even i have to wake up early in the m0rning and go to Mandarin class alone with no friends.. Sometimes, it is very easy to be alone without involvement of others. I learned couples Mandarin language and it is awesome :)))))

A lot of things going on, on this week. IDP also has begun. We already got a project. IDP stands for integrated design project. An engineer student must take this subject because it teaches us how to be an engineer when we finish our study and to handle a project soon. It starts from zero until the project is done. It is just like our own project and we must solve it ownself. Yoyy! starts from zero guys!! Urrghhhhhh...WTHeck..
1) build a company
2) company name,logo,profile
3) state the project
4) drawing plan
5) design the project
6) until the project done
This is a practice to the future engineer wanna be.. Good Luck!
Next, i must get ready for my PSM. Huhhh...see you supervisor. Be kind oh0kayyyy ;)


see you when i see u

catch up my next update soon..right now wanna enjoy and make a mind-peace before mind-war :P


Will go to this place this November before school's holidays
i dont like cr0wded surroundings
Malaysia awesome.. :D


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