Hope or Despair

Hope... Everybody has hope. People always hoping for the best to happen. They willing to do anything to get what they're hoping for. Sometimes they willing to sacrifice even they have to face it alone. It is not wrong to hope for something. Sometimes even it is just a small hope, people will keep moving on. This is because there is a small voice inside yourself say that so0ner or later you will get what u hope. With that we can make sure that sooner or later we will grab it. A hope can turn into motivation. Yah, it's true, if we really really hoping for something to happen but it turn into a disaster, it might break our heart into pieces. But, you shouldn't feel like that. Like i said, a hope can turn into motivation. Motivation can turn into action. If you have the action you can do what you really want and  to help you succeed in what you're hoping for. 

Hope is the emotional state which promote to be a positive situation, i guess. Hope is better than despair. This is my opinion..mine! With hope, some people can continue their life with no despair. With hope, a sick people will pray to get better. With hope, a poor mother will never give up to send her children to school to be a successful person one day.

 This article shows an accident had happened on September 1st  2012 at 11.30am
It happened at Kuantan-Segamat road. Two girls involved...died on the scene
One of the victim is my cousin. Her friend drove her Viva car to go to Pekan, Pahang to fetch her friend there. But they didnt make it to Pekan. 
My cousin's friend who drove her car lost control and went to the opposite lane and hit a Toyota Avanza. Then, the Viva rebound and goes into 7m ravine. Just lo0k at the car..damn terrible
She is teribbly injured...i couldn't say it in here. No wonder she couldnt make it..
My cousin and her friend were studied at UTHM, Master of Mechanical Engineering (Research) and worked at UTHM Research Center
She is the only HOPE for her family
Forsure, now, everythings will be changed. I still couldn't accept and believe she's g0ne..She is so0oo young
RIP Sharifah Nur Hidayah bt. Salleh (Alfatihah..)

But? how if hope is just a hope. A dream hope. A hope that cant do anything. Everything is lost. Eventhough you didnt get what you are hoping for, you must not feel despair or stop from doing anything. Sometimes it is better to be like that. God will arrange something good and better than that for you. You should never give up. If hope is a wrong deed, than how come we have the H.O.P.E???

H = hell
O = obvious
P = positive
E = emotion
 - by: Miss J-


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