Happy August Everyone

First of all, HAPPY AUGUST everyone! Lots of stuffs will going to happen in this month. Or i should called it as an eventful month. Well, the Ramadhan will gonna end soon. Aidilfitri celebration will be up next. Then, it will be the National Day.. Owhhhhh!!! almost forgot. This month is my BIRTHDAYYYY.. Iyeayyyy....! My birthdayyyyyyy..Iyeayyyyyy... Oh0kayyy. Enough. Actually, i haven't updated my blog recently this few days cause lately, i'm kinda busy to prepare for Ramadhan that is going to end and of course next is Hari Raya. So excited about Raya. Eventhough, supposely i shouldn't. Hahaa.. dah tua la. Nevermind nevermind. 

There is much more important than all those stuffs above. Finally, my application of master degree has been approved. I am so glad to see the confirmation on the website. Yeahhh!! I'm a Master Research Student for 1 year only.. Many things need to be done before the registration. First and foremost, i already did my medical check up..on X-ray only. Cause i'm not in the mood right now. Guyssss, we are going to celebrate Raya Raya Raya!! So lets do what we have to do first. Hahahaa!~

Siti Hajar Bt. Mansor
Dip.Eng(civil), B.Eng(Hons)civil, M.Eng(civil)

Is that awesomeee!!! XD

Kad rayerrrrr kad rayerrrrr!!!

Found a cute lil puppy beside the X-Ray clinic


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