2 Weeks Gone

I know i'm a bit late. Eid Mubarak everyone. Two weeks gone already. Just wanna say Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin! ;)

Fireworks is a must

These are panjut. Usually, on raya month people will put this to light up more the eid spirit.. Actually it makes our house looks more beautiful and w0ww. Hahahh! XD

My raya was very awesome and fun. As usual all relatives will  be gathered and visit my house and of course my family will not go anywhere or go beraya for at least 2 weeks. Cause almost everyday people will come to my house. Alhamdulillah.. :) Oh and u know what, a limited edition vase had broken because of a kinda naughty lil boy excidently broke it. Huhh! almost every raya this kind of excident and broken thingy will be happened. So parents, please make sure teach your kids to behave at people's house. Bear in mind. *sabo jelah*

First day of raya was totally excited. Got up early in the morning to do mandi sunat raya and wore new clothes. Then, we went to graveyard for a visit. After that send some meals to neighbours and some relatives. Then greats each other and forgave each other and ate together. Ate a lot of food. My grandma's cook is the best. We didnt go for beraya because every year, the first day of eid, we are busying to handle our dearest relatives.

So hows your raya? I bet it was awesome too right. Eventhough, i didnt go for beraya, actually i still got angpau ok. Hahah! Isn't it superb. Lucky me. Cause i thought that i will never get angpau anymore but you know what? still get ok. Quite many. Yayyy!!! After that, like a week of eid, we did Marhaban at our house. This is the compulsory things to do every Syawal in my family. 

These are some photos of eid that i've took. 

Those are the cutie cookies that i've made. It's called strawberry cheese tart and blueberry cheese tart

Mr. Panda and Mr. Froggie are taking care and acting as bodyguard for my duit raya. Thereeeee..u seee. Some little monster too! ;) 

Be safe wherever you are. And peace may be upon you.
Salam Syawal guys!

p/s: Although we are busy enjoying the eid and counting the pocket full of money, please remember that there are some people who are unlucky to have a peace and happiness especially to our brothers and sisters in Eygpt, Mesir. Please pray for them. May God be with them always. :)


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