Fasting, Good, Great

Today is such a beautiful day eventhough it was raining heavily in the afternoon. I am all alone at home because my housemate have went back to her hometown for quite some times. She's on a school holidays because she is a teacher in a private school very near to my rent house.  Nevermind. I can stay alone at home without any problem at all. BUT i dont like to stay alone during raining heavily because that kind of moment is dark, gloomy and the sound of thunder can give me shock or terrified.

Today is my fasting day. I fasting because i need to replace the last Ramadhan fasting day. As usual when i do fasting i'm a lottle bit late to get up early in the morning. My routine every morning when i do not go to work is wake up late, laying on the bed while playing my phone and checking emails or read a book. Yes, those are the things that i really like to do. But today is a little different. I guess i'm not too lazy at all.

What are things that i do today:
- find the toilet
- check my phone
- laying on the bed
- read a book
- clean my room
- bath and wash clothes
- iron my clothes for work
- watch movie + read a book
- ok fine it's raining
After done all stuffs,  i'm get ready to go out. To where??? To buy food for break fasting. Yes, this comes the lazy attitude of me. These couple days i feel quite lazy to prepare food and cook. I don't like rhis kinda attitude. I really like to cook and i always cook, everyday eventhough when i go to work i also bring my own food. But, this day is different. I break fasting with McDonalds. Yeahhh! Long time no eat yawww...

On my way to McDonalds, there is something sweet had happened. I smiled alone in the car without anyone noticed. Nevermind, i don't care if someone notice. Who cares. It's my LIFE. Actually, i did see my own hardwork not far from my house. My project. My construction project. The mega-high-rise-building-megastructure from my house. IT IS AWESOME to see them stay strong, big and high. It is such a wonderful feeling to see your job and hardwork is finally grow and stand still with proud. I'm smiling because this is what i feel to see the achievement! I keep on smiling along the way until i reach the McDonalds. I can still see the building along the way to McDonalds.

Sometimes, passion is the reason for good becomes great! Hmm...not sometimes,  but passion is always great. Have faith and passion in whatever you are doing no matter how weird people looking at you. You are not them. Do not bother about others. I always believe in myself and always trying to learn to believe in myself every single day. That is strong enough, i guess.



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