November Vibe

Happy November to all!

I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words. Or maybe alot of words. Much words. It seems like i didn't always update my activities or my recent life in this blog anymore.
Yeah i know that some of my readers, silent readers and stalkers would think that i already forget about this blog. Sorry guys, you are wrong. I never forget the things that i've started. I'm not that kind of person. Sometimes, we as a human needs time to upgrade and be busy about ourselves. But, people out there always misjudged us. People tend to think about what they think about that individual. The point is, we should not easily judge or point ohers with what we're thinking.

Alright then. I think it is enough with the awkward introduction. i guess :D I don't want to make my readers, silent readers or stalkers bored with the talks. HAHAA..yeah my life is kinda busy lately with job, workers, penpals, friends and many more. I'm sure your eyes will come out from the socket to see the unlimited lists if i list them all. Yes i admit that i am busy and no time to update on my blog and i miss my blog alot because i used to blog about anything in here everyday. I've looked some of the previous posts of my blog and i am pretty sure that i used to blog every single thing that happemed to me before. It is pretty obvious actually..hahaah! What kind of girl who like to blog all things that had happened to her everyday *awkwarddd* Nevermind. Maybe in future i am going to miss the memories and i can still look for the memories in my blog. Cool!

Currently i just moved to a new project. My previous project is finished. Can't believe that the high rise buildings area already done. I'm so glad and very happy to accomplish the construction project. It was not an easy task and need alot of responsibilities to reach the top. So it is such a great accomplishment for me and i will never forget about it. Yeah of course i will remember every single things that i did there because it is a multi-million dollar project. It is a big and international project after all with other international companies to deal with. It is a huge responsibilities for me as only a woman engineer in the company. Big challenges for as a woman engineer but i'm okay with it because i don't care about gender, they also didn't. Sometimes working with an international company is better than locals because some locals with always relate about gender stuff. Very typical local minded.

The company that you choose is not the key to your success. The most important thing is we need to deal with our own life, knowledge, experience and attitude. Besides, i think i'm a pretty lucky girl because i got this position in the company because of the interview. I didn't know and i never heard about CSCEC before in my whole life. This is my second company to work with as an engineer. The previous one is a local company from Malaysia and really really close to my hometown. Besides it is actually at my hometown. It is a developing company with many construction around Johor. Well, experiences always the best teacher in the real world.

To get what you want is full of challenges. If you already got what you want is a change that you create to become excellent in the future. You need to prove to yourself that you can handle everything with your own style.

To be continued......


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