Aqiqah & Prayers Ceremony

I went back to my awesome hometown last Saturday. Yeah it is an awesome hometown because it is a place where i born and where my family stays. For your information, i am rarely go back to my hometown due to work in JB. I will go back to my hometown if i'm having a very long holiday, which is why i went back to my hometown last Saturday due to Chinese New Year celebration. Well, it's a golden opportunity to go back on last weekend because i'm working with China's company. Forsure, they are having a long holiday for the celebration. I took the chance to go back to BP for aqiqah (say it as Ah-Kee-Ka) and prayers ceremony for my lil niece. 

Basically, when a child is born, Muslim parents will do aqiqah for the baby (same like baby shower).  Actually it is a "sunnah" tradition but is not required or compulsory. Usually it is based on the family expense to celebrate it or not. It is hosted by baby's family for welcoming new baby into a Muslim family. It is also a way for parents to show gratefullness and thanks to God for the blessings of a healthy child. We will provide meals to the community which is to slaughters one or two sheeps/goats. Since she is a baby girl, so we must slaugther a goat. While for baby boy is require two goats/sheeps. In some regions, they also sacrifice cows and camels. The sacrifice is considered as part of the aqiqah. Besides that, the animal that been slaughtered must free from any defects and healthy and it must be done humanely, not torture the animal!

The ceremony started at 2.30pm on February 5th 2019 for prayers and all guest (families, relatives, neighbours, friends) arrived at 3pm. A lot of food have been prepared by my families. Such as satay, lontong, grilled lamb, ice-creams, delicacies, fruits, drinks, noodles and many more. Those were pretty damn delicious and mouth watering! HAHAHH!!! We also gave goodies to all our guest for representing our gratitude to them for welcoming the ceremony & prayers. Many guest and relatives bring gifts for the new baby such as clothing, toys, baby accessories and others. We feel blessed and thankful to all. In addition, we also thankful for the prayers and well-wishes for the baby girl too. 

Right now, i will share the photos of the aqiqah &prayers ceremony for memories.

Finally, thanks to my mom for the designs and decorations for the baby's stage, tables & chairs decorations for guest and the backdrop. It was pretty and superbbb as always. You never fail about design and decorations since my sister's wedding. Your touch will always and forever be amazing!!! AND i hope that my little princess will always be in a good health and wealth, intelligent, kind and brilliant to the end. You are soooo cuteee baby. Be great for yourself first, then towards family and country! Ameeennnn...

Love you always 


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