Current Life's Progress

Life will get busier than ever. Everybody has their own responsibility and commitment in life. The purpose of life is to survive in life and keep on going. For that, we must always get ready to face life and future. We will never know our future but can prepare the coming, as long as we keep on moving, ready and never give up. Sometimes, we feel like there are tonne of commitment that we held and hold. Sometimes we feel like we can't cope all of those things. Then, there is a small voice inside our head talk to us to stay on track that we've choose, never turn back and excell!! Because you need to face lots of bumpy roads along the journey to reach a beautiful destination. That's life... treasure every moment because it counts. 

Likewise, my PE report for the second year is done and been endorsed well by Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM).  I'm feeling much grateful that they've approved my training report because obviously it is kinda hard for our traing report to get endorse by IEM. So now, i might need 3 months to settle my third year of my PE training. It makes me a bit nervous to complete my training to be a Professional Engineer (PE) and get the Ir. status. Well, it's a little tough to get a perfect thing that we wanted most but i'm trying to reach it with the best of me. It was not easy to find a time to complete the report for every 3 months due to tonne of office works and site works that i need to handle as an engineer in my real life. Sometimes, i feel proud of myself because i managed to finish my training report everytime and ontime. 
Although it seems pretty busy to cope other commitments, i force myself, put a strong heart and patience on it. We have to force ourselves in a good way to catch things that we desire the most. If you aim for something you need to work hard and reach for it. Everytime when i feel lazy, i will try to talk to myself "if i dont do this, i will take more time to complete it. When i never give up on doing it, i will get the great end to it". That is a simple tip on how i get the strength to get things that i want in my life. Time is running every second without a pause. So why must you hit the "pause" button on your own life. Your life is your story. It is yours. Just keep on moving forward until you satisfied with it and finally you'll manage to say "okay, that's it and mission accomplish!". After that, please enjoy the moment and throwback the ups and downs which have made you a better person, a successful person. Forsure you will be smilling for those moments. Just remember, be humble and nice to people. 

To be a professional needs a lot of effort. The key is do not easily judge a thing quickly without a proper investigation or strong evidence. Confidence and knowledgeable will be respected!

Engineer roxx!


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