Work, Career & Life When Working in Corporate World

I spent close to 5 years of my career by working mostly in corporate Malaysia. The corporate world is tough, mean, demanding, and rewarding. It's a pathway for not many people especially in this era filled with start ups, SMEs and family businesses. Corporate giants especially the muti-national & international companies and also the public listed are just peculiar breeds. Here are the harsh lessons the corporate world has taught me. The main thing is, you must work as perfectly as possible. The flaws even a tiny flaw that you've done will give a big impact. I started my career with local Malaysian company after graduated my study. Luckily i got the job of my dream. I am passionate with my job and i'm happy with it. I'm eager to learn new things and excited to experience the new world. I took all the opportunity in front of me without any hesitation, without looking back and without worry about the gender.

Basically, i've got another job offer from multi-national company which is outside my hometown. I grabbed the opportunity to feel the vibe of working with multi-national company. I work with them for 4 years and it was the awesome 4 years of working experience. Then, i've got another opportunity to work with much much better multi-national company to upgrade my career development. I took the chance to pursue my dream. I've learned so much! Well of course we have heard some people say that you will never use the things that you've learned in your university into the working world. I'm not agree with that. I'm pretty sure that we can't use that term anymore. Education and working experience are both important things when you go out from your comfort zone. You need to be brave and knowledgeable enough to stand on your feet and compete with others. You need a unique character and specialty to show the value of yourself. In conclusion, please do not say that you will not use your education in working life because in this new era, everyone wanted to show their own capabilities and uniqueness. Do value your education and work for a better future.

Let me share with you some of the rules that you need to pay attention when working in a corporate world. Yeahhh, lets get into it!

1. If you have a soft emotion, corporate isn't the best place for you. To climb the ladder, you must be loud, aggressive and at times selfish. If you work silently, it may go unnoticed. It's just a competitive world with limited positions.
2. You're paid to provide solutions not just to highlight the problems. The more problems you can solve, the more valuable you are to the company. This is soooo trueee. I 've experienced it myself!
3. Your co-workers and bosses are most likely wearing 'masks' in office hence you see a different side of them during lunch breaks and Friday night drinks. I think all of you will agree about this.
4. The person who claims to know everything actually knows the least. Yeahh obviously i can see those type of person everyday.
5. If your manager micromanages you, it means you aren't efficient. If he/she still micromanages you despite you feeling confident, then you have a toxic boss.
6. Working with a toxic/manipulative/ narcissistic manager will mentally damage you. It shatters your confidence and esteem. It's the worst thing ever. Never attempt to talk to change them. Just quit!
7. A salary is not an entitlement, but a reflection of contribution. It’s a business deal. Neither of you are doing each other any favor. Organizations run a business not a charity.
8. Never rely on your company to make you grow. Invest in your own time and money to enhance your skills. If you're not growing inside, you won't grow within the company and ultimately your career. Like me, i've attended various type of courses to upgrade myself. Yeah i did it!
9. You can never run away from office politics, instead learn how to deal with it.
10. Work is never-ending. You go to work today for tomorrow's tasks. Take sick leave if you're sick. Use your paid leaves. Learn to go back on time. The company can still function without you.
11. Working beyond 6 pm just to impress your superiors is stupid.
12. If you don't believe in the company's vision, missions and culture just quit the office.
13. Follow up. Make connections everywhere from clients to suppliers. Ask around. Make yourself noticeable. Your networking can be more powerful than your knowledge especially in Malaysia's developing economy.
14. Learn to say no and accept rejections. You're not stupid for having your campaign proposal turned down during the first meeting. If you can't take rejections or criticisms well, you will suffer in corporate.
15. Sell yourself, sell your ideas but never oversell and over showoff. When you oversell yourself, you start to create expectations and expectations can lead to disappointments.
16. Your bosses have bosses to impress too. Your company has shareholders, stakeholders, customers and policymakers to impress too.
17. The first 5 years of your career are essentially training so don't worry if you are not at your peak yet. But if after 5 years you're still stuck, it's time to make critical decisions.
18. Performance reviews can be useless and awkward. You may do well but you may get a 3-star rating instead of 4 because your boss is afraid of being questioned. The slackers and gossipers will get rated 3 as well. It's unfair but this is reality.


19. Work and manage your work perfectly! You have to be a perfect staff. Tiny flaws will be counted. Yup, just like i said before, you have to be fit, strong mentally and physically because people is easily to absorb and remember a tiny wrongdoings from you rather than all the good works. There are much bigger competition in the corporate world. Bear it!

20. Stay firm to everyone and any task. Just be bold and firm in whatever decision you make. Sometimes you have to be firm with your friend or close staff too in order to maintain the quality of good works. So, no hard feelings dear friends....

Well you guys, don't worry about your job too much. Just enjoy with the work you love and be passionate with it. Appreciate with what you have and help others who really needs but not using you or take advantage of you. Just be brave and strict to get what you want. Always upgrade yourself not to impress others but to develop yourself for better future ahead.



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