Full Moon Red
It's Lunar Eclipse moment peeps! Go outside and see it y0urself..NOW! what a w0nderful and beautiful creati0n from GOD..*amazed* S.P.L.E.N.D.I.D A.W.E.S.O.M.E A.M.A.Z.I.N.G O.O wOwwww!!!~ I already taken the eclipse's ph0tos in sequence order guys.. Really awes0me..awwhhh..AWESOMEEEE I willing to wait from 9pm untill full eclipse around 10.15pm I saw FULL ECLIPSE guys!! cant believe it owhhh...arrhhhh..feel damn g0od This eclipse is the last eclipse's moment until 2014 Lunar eclipse can only occur when the full moon, earth and the sun are aligned so that the moon crosses through earth's shadow.. Its happen only few times a year So, it is such a g0lden opportunity for us to watch it yaw! :) ^^, Thanks GOD....