Life Involve Everythings

I'm back after few days ran away from my bel0ved blog.. Actually i didn't ran away. But have some peaceful and quality time with myself and family bef0re the end of semester break. Tomorrow i will be back to my university to continue my degree, the final semester of civil engineer student. Lil bit excited but at the same time kinda awkward too. Becausee.....i would rather say >> WTHeck!! ITS FINAL BABES!!! WHAT I'M GOING TO DO NEXT??? HUHH? FINAL? WHAT? REALLY HA?? ermm awkward..awkward~~ 
o.O -.-" 
Hey heyy! 6 years i do spend my lifes with civil engineering studies. Six years to be an engineer yaw!! Finally it comes to an end. Hahahaa.. this is what i've dreamed when i'm 6 to 7 years old. I still remember till now.. 

Lil drama----At home talking to my father while take a look or maybe u can say that kinda messed with newspaper on the floor, and my father asked me.. what will u wanna be when u grow up...and i said i wanna be an engineer..then he said something and smiled. *hihii..a little flashback..XD lalalaa~* Till now it never ever changed. :)) I'm pr0ud of it. So, lets be g0od, smart and enjoy this final semester..


Okay okayy.. Too much drama. Enough with the drama. Hahaa..b0ringggg @.@ Like the past semester there's no much different for this coming semester. Forsure, i will do my best best n the best. The point is i wanna seek the knowledge not marks. Actually i'm kinda not bother about my marks at all. First thing first, i must understand what i've learned and enjoyed them. It doesn't matter if i've got C..well actually it is matter a bit...hihii! But who cares. Sooner or later u will be an engineer. Grades doesnt matter. Hahah!

Well, i'm having so much fun this semester break although sometimes busy with my final year project (oh ya!...i already send my Chapter 1, 2 and 3 by email to my supervisor) and some personal matter..sort of! :P This semester break is very different with the other semester breaks. Usually during semester break i will go for a vacation with family. But this year is different. I've spend my wh0le break at Geotech Laboratorary and RECESS. Then enjoyed the other freetime at home with family.

Family's night.. Barbeque delight. Yummiesss!!

Shopping scho0l's stuffs with sisters using RM250 voucher at PERINTIS
Correction, not POPULAR..because there will be a term and condition to shop at POPULAR by BB1M voucher.. If you use RM50 voucher, u need to buy RM10 for stationaries an RM40 for b0oks only. 
So do the rest vouchers.
Not fair not fair..who wants to read bo0k? Go to Popular..Bluarggghhhhh~
But...In PERINTIS u can used your voucher for all stuffs.

I found this story bo0k while busy spending the BB1M voucher.. 
Its been a long time i'm not reading the magical book.
 So i decided to buy it. It worth l0rr.. 50 magical stories ok. Its magic. I love magic! ;) I will going to read this book for some inspirations or maybe as bedtime stories or relaxing my mind after busy study..

Lets be shine and set the world on fire.. hahah! What a spirit yaw!!~ We'll meet again for the next post.. Right now, i wanna be an eagle eye. *ok out of t0pic*

till then guys!


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